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Love me or leave me (Rebecca and Theodore) novel Chapter 89

Chapter 89 


Why did Becky have such good luck

She had just entered the industry, yet Charlie was featuring her, and Lynn became her manager. Why

Annie couldn’t help but seek out Lesley to vent her frustrations

As Lesley watched Annie’s face twisted with anger, a wild thought popped into her head… 

On the last reality show, she’d failed to help, Janet, and her agent scolded her fiercely after the show ended

Her agent had made her buy the latest clothes from Glamour Closet to apologize to Janet, but Becky had scooped up even better stuff from the same store, so she couldn’t hand out the dress that cost her a fortune

She ended up spending tens of thousands again to buy a designer handbag for Janet’s agent, Lisa. She begged Lisa to put in good word for her, and Lisa reluctantly agreed, barely managing to smooth things over

After that incident, Janet seemed to have cooled down, no longer making her life difficult or sabotaging her career

But that didn’t mean things were back to normal

The company hadn’t given her any new opportunities for months since then

Like most of the other artists at the company, she was on her own to find auditions. The only way to get on a production crew was to pass an audition

She couldn’t just be assigned to a crew by the company anymore

Lesley heard that Janet was looking at scripts and would soon start taking on roles and filming again 

Given Janet’s fame, the scripts she received were certainly not simple. Landing even a third or fourth lead in a major production would be a far better career move than fighting for the lead in some cheesy web series

What was more, even in lowbudget web dramas, the lead roles were often decided way in advance. They could run themselves ragged every day, but in the end, they were just there to make someone else look good

Lesley gave Annie a few noncommittal responses to get rid of her

Once alone, she opened WhatsApp and sent a message to Lisa

[Lisa, I have some news. I’m not sure if I should tell you.

At Evergrande Entertainment, Lisa was helping Janet choose scripts when she received a message from Lesley. She frowned as she read it

[What’s it about?] Lisa replied

Lesley hesitated for a moment, pressed her lips, and carefully replied: [It’s about Becky. Not sure if Janet would be interested.

Becky?Lisa frowned, feeling odd

What are you looking at?Janet noticed Lisa’s distraction and immediately frowned, displeased



Chapter 89 

Lisa snapped back to attention and looked at Janet, quickly explaining, Lesley just sent me a message. She said it’s about RebeccaBecky. She wants to know if you’d be interested.” 

Rebecca?Janet’s expression hardened. She didn’t look happy

Lisa nodded and held out her phone, showing Janet the message from Lesley

Janet took Lisa’s phone and sent a message to Lesley

[What news? What has Rebecca been up to lately

Janet intentionally used Rebecca’s real name, not her stage name. Becky. Lesley paused for a moment, and it clicked. This must be Becky’s real name

Lesley felt a surge of excitement, thinking that Lisawas interested in Rebecca, or rather, in Becky’s information

If she could use this opportunity to win Janet’s favor again and then ask Janet to bring her along for the next filming project, maybeshe might have a chance

[Lisa, I heard Janet’s looking at scripts. Is Janet about to start filming something new? Do you think I could….ask Janet for a favor?

Janet looked at Lesley’s messages and instantly understood her intentions. Bringing someone into the crew wasn’t difficult for Janet at this point

She thought for a moment and typed: [You want to join the crew with me?

On the other end. Lesley stared at the latest message in the chat box, her mind blank for a second. Then, she quickly realized that the person chatting with her wasn’t Lisa but Janet herself

Lesley was growing excited. She quickly typed back: [Janet? Is that you?

Janet didn’t deny it. She admitted it straight away and pressed for information about Rebecca: [Yes, it’s me. What was the news you mentioned?

Lesley’s face flushed red with excitement

She wondered if this could really work

If she leaked information about Becky to Janet, would Janet really help her get into the crew

With that in mind, Lesley quickly understood. Yes, Janet was just a mistress, while Becky was the legitimate wife of Theodore, and of course, Janet would be desperate for any information about her

Lesley couldn’t help but smirk. Janet thought she was hot stuff, but in the end, she was just an ignorant mistress


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