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Love me or leave me (Rebecca and Theodore) novel Chapter 92

Chapter 92 

Who is calling? The production team? Or is it Theodore again? Rebecca frowned

T’ll get it for you, Debra said

Rebecca was surprised and looked at her mother, but she quickly understood her mother’s intention and handed her the phone

Debra took the phone and picked it up

Sure enough. Theodore’s voice came through. Rebecca, I” 

Without a second thought, Debra snapped, Ugh! You piece of trash, don’t ever call Becky again. Becky doesn’t want anything to do with you!” 

With that, she hung up and blocked the number

On the other end of the line, Theodore slowly realized that it was the woman who was always with Rebecca, the one Charlie had hired for protection, who had just berated him

His heart was still pounding as he had just finally cleared up the misunderstanding. Just as he was about to call Rebecca to explain, his heart sank again

Even if Rebecca hadn’t cheated before their marriage, what was she doing now

Rebecca was still his wife and the mother of his children, yet she had run off with another man

The thought of his two children, who were clearly his, bearing die name Carter, another man’s last name, filled him with rage

Theodore’s mood changed quickly, changing from sunny to stommy in the blink of an eye

Meanwhile, Debra held onto the phone for a while, waiting, but it didn’t ring again. She handed it back to Rebecca

Mom, don’t let him get to you,Rebecca said, taking the phone and soothing her mother. It’s not worth wasting your energy on someone like that.” 

Her mother deserved happiness, the carefree life of a princess, cherished by her father

Rebecca couldn’t help but smile at the thought. She held Debra’s hand and gently shook it, saying sweetly, Let’s not even think about him anymore, okay? He’s not worth our time.” 

Debra’s heart melted at her daughter’s playful gesture. She nodded. Okay, okayFrom now on, we’re not wasting our energy on people who don’t deserve it. We’ll focus on the good things in life.” 

Yes!Rebecca nodded happily

As soon as Rebecca finished speaking, she felt a small hand grab her sleeve

She looked down, and there was Kev

The nanny held him, but his bright eyes were fixed on his mother with delight, and his tiny hand was gripping her sleeve


Chapter 92 

Rebecca chuckled, turning around to take the little one from the nanny’s arms

Once in his mom’s arms, Kev bounced happily, babbling excitedly in his baby talk, looking both sweet and adorable

Rebecca gently kissed her baby boy, her little bundle of joy

Nearby, Lily saw their mother holding her brother and reached out her chubby little hands from the nanny’s arms, wanting to be held too

But Rebecca couldn’t hold both children at once

Seeing this. Debra went to help and took Lily over from the nanny’s arms

Lily stared at her grandmother, her eyes wide and filled with curiosity

You little rascal, Debra teased, lifting the little one playfully. Still don’t like your grandma, huh?” 

Lily reached out her small hand and grabbed Debra’s nose

Debra was speechless

Seeing this, the nanny smiled and gently took Lily’s hand away

Not to be deterred, Lily reached out and grabbed her grandmother’s ear instead

Debra was helpless, but her doting smile never faded. Becky had been just as mischievous at that age, always trying to grab at her face

What could she do but adore them

When Charlie came back from filming, he immediately reached out to hold the babies

Lately, he’d been sneaking over to see them whenever he had a free moment. As a result, the twins had grown quite attached to him and were always vying for his attention

After all, Charlie had a knack for entertaining the kids

Unlike the others, he wouldn’t just hold the babies. He would lin them high into the air, playing airplane. Lily and Kev were absolutely thrilled with this game

Time flew by, and before they knew it, it was the first day of shooting. Rebecca was up bright and early, quickly packing her things. She bid farewell to her mom and the nannies and headed off to the set

The place was buzzing with activity. The entire main cast was present, from the leads down to the supporting roles

Rebecca was introduced to the other actors by the director, and they all chatted while getting their hair and makeup- Then, they all took a picture together to officially kick off the production

Since they were a small crew, there were no journalists around to take notice, so no one came to ask questions or take pictures

But that didn’t dampen their excitement one bit


Everyone on set knew the show was wellfunded, and they were confident that with their talent and hard work, they could make a splash

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Chapter 92 

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Meanwhile, at Macloria, Theodore forged Rebecca’s consent for to change the children’s last name and went to the Civil Registry Office, intending to change the twinssurnames behind her back

Bryce was unfazed. He immediately pushed the documents back and sternly warned Theodore

To change a child’s surname, we need a doc with signatures from both guardians. Forged signatures won’t be 



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