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Love me or leave me (Rebecca and Theodore) novel Chapter 95

Chapter 95 


Rebecca spent the entire morning filming at the Aotori shooting base and was finally able to rest at noon. Debra immediately prepared a chair and some water for her daughter to rest

After sitting down and taking a sip of water, Rebecca felt less tire 

Debra cheerfully sat down beside her and said, Becky, something has happened to the Edwards Earmily 

She then unlocked her phone and handed it to Rebecca, showing her the trending news. Debra said, Look, Theodore’s father is really something

He’s been keeping three mistresses and fathered two sons and a daughter in secret for over twenty years, and now all of them have infiltrated the Edwards Group

The eldest one has even become a vice president, just a notch below Theodore.” 

After reading the trending news, Rebecca was a bit surprised and wondered if Theodore’s father’s private life was really that 


As she thought about it, she suddenly recalled that when she used to stay at the Edwards Villa, Theodore’s father rarely stayed at home. He was out most of the time, claiming to be busy with work and had no time to come home, only returning on weekends to rest for two days 

With these thoughts in mind, Rebecca couldn’t help but ask, Who dug up this news?” 

As soon as she said it, she had a sudden realization as if she already knew the answer. Rebecca then looked at her mother

Debra smiled and explained, This has nothing to do with us. We never forced Michael to keep all those mistresses.” 

In other words, the Carter family were the ones who leaked the news, but it wasn’t them that made Michael have mistresses! It was his own doing, and he deserved the consequences

Rebecca blinked and smiled before nodding, Mmhmm.” 

Debra had already ordered lunch. Her beloved daughter had to breastfeed her babies and was also busy filming, which was exhausting. Debra thought that Rebecca needed proper nutrition to stay in good health

When lunch was delivered, Rebecca and her mother ate together. While eating, she also took a moment to scroll through the trending news

She went over the news several times before finally putting her phone down

Once they had eaten, they returned to the resting room. As they got ready for a nap, Debra and Rebecca lay side by side on 

the bed.. 

Debra smiled and said, Once this blows up, the Edwards family will definitely be in chaos. We can use this to push Theodore to ask you for a divorce.” 

When Rebecca heard that, she was surprised and puzzled. How do we do that?” 

Debra pulled the blanket over and tucked her daughter in, smiling, You don’t need to do anything

All you need to do is focus on what you love. Let your dad and brothers take care of the rest. They’ll sort everything out.” 

Chapter 95 

Rebecca was confused. “What are they going to do?” 

Debra smiled knowingly, I have no idea

Your dad and Adrian told me to tell you that we should just focus on what we’re doing here and wait. They will take care of everything.she explained

Rebecca considered it and also smiled while nodding, Okay!” 

Alright, enough of that. It’s late. Get some rest. You have to shoot more scenes this afternoon,” Debra said with concern

Okay,Rebecca responded in a gentle voice

She then slowly closed her eyes under her mother’s gentle gaze. Rebecca didn’t know exactly when she fell asleep, only that it felt wonderful to have her mom nearby and her dad and three brothers supporting her

The noon break wasn’t very long, but Rebecca’s biological clock was already used to it, and she groggily woke up on time

She turned to look around the resting room and then at her mother, who was still sleeping beside her

Afterward, Rebecca carefully got up, making sure not to wake her mother up

By then, the makeup artist was also well rested, and seeing her get up, they went to the dressing room together. The makeup artist then reapplied Rebecca’s makeup and redid her hairstyle. Once it was all done, the afternoon shoot was set to 


Over the following four months, Rebecca enjoyed herself immensely. She spent her days filming, and in her free time, she would be with her babies. As she and her family watched the babies grow up little by little, they felt better

During this time, Theodore didn’t seek her out or call her because he was too busy

The Edwards family was thrown into chaos by the issue of illegitimate children

The illegitimate offspring who had been slowly infiltrating the Edwards Group in secret were suddenly exposed and brought to light

Helen wanted to drive the three of them out of the Edwards Group. But would those illegitimate offspring comply? Or rather, would Gifford agree to it

Gifford was Michael’s eldest illegitimate son. He was only a year younger than Theodore. Over the years, with Michael’s secret support, he had gradually risen from being a newcomer to the company to becoming a vice president, a position only slightly inferior to Theodore’s

After Gifford’s lineage was exposed, he didn’t bother to hide anymore and openly vied for various powers within the company. It was clear that he intended to compete with Theodore for the inheritance of the Edwards Group

Oscar was no better. Although he couldn’t compete with his two brothers, he started to regard himself as an heir to the Edwards family after his identity was exposed. Oscar even publicly claimed that, even as an illegitimate son, he had the legal right to inherit his father’s property, implying that he also had a share in the Edwards Group


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