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Love me or leave me (Rebecca and Theodore) novel Chapter 99

Chapter 99 

Before she knew it, midDecember had arrived, and Christmas was just around the corner

Her parents, Bryce, and Paul gathered together, discussing plans to return to their hometown for the Christmas celebration

Bryce and Paul had special jobs with very few vacation days, and they would have to work late into the night before getting any time off

Rebecca, however, wasn’t in a hurry. What mattered to her was that the whole family was together

She thought it would be wonderful for everyone to wait a few extra days in Macloria until Bryce and Paul got time off from work, and then all headed back to their hometown together

It was during this time that Theodore reached out to Rebecca. He called her from an unfamiliar number, asking her to meet him to discuss the matter of their divorce

After their conversation concluded, Rebecca was overcome with an unexpected rush of joy. It felt as if a massive weight that had long burdened her heart had finally been lifted

Debra, noticing Rebecca’s sudden change in demeanor, couldn’t help but inquire, Who was that on the phone? Why are you so happy?” 

Rebecca struggled to contain her emotions, but soon found herself unable to restrain the tears welling up in her eyes. Her years of hardship and emotional turmoil seemed to culminate in this moment of release. Finally, she felt free

Mom, Theodore wants to meet me to talk about our divorce!Rebecca shared with a sense of liberation

Debra, momentarily taken aback, quickly recovered with excitement. “Well, that’s good news! You two should hurry and sort out this divorce!” 

Debra’s joy was palpable as she leaped from her seat, dashing to the study with a youthful exuberance. Honey, I have wonderful news! That scoundrel has finally agreed to divorce with Becky!” 

Captivated by his wife’s infectious happiness, Patrick momentarily felt as though she was just as radiant as she had been in her youth

Honey!Debra exclaimed, realizing her husband’s distraction. When he didn’t respond immediately, her expression turned stern. Pay attention.” 

Patrick quickly snapped out of his reverie, focusing intently on his wife. What’s wrong? What happened?” 

Rolling her eyes, Debra sighed, What was on your mind earlier? You seemed lost in your thoughts.” 

But before she could finish, Debra resumed her excitement, exclaiming, Honey, let me share the good news again. Theodore is accepting the divorce! He just called Becky and asked to discuss about the matter.” 

Patrick was surprised at first before he broke into a warm smile. That’s great news,” 

As he spoke, Patrick retrieved a document from a drawer, handing it to Debra. Here, give this to Becky. When she’s ready to proceed with the divorce, have Theodore sign these agreements

This isa divorce agreement?Debra’s voice quivered slightly as she read the title of the document, her brows furrowing with concern


Chapter 99 

Patrick nodded solemnly his gaze fixed on the papers before them. Yes, Adrian drafted this meticulously. Its primary aim is to safeguard Becky’s rights to custody of the children. We must Theodore sign it to prevent any future attempts by the Edwards family to reclaim the children

“Okay.Patrick’s words hung heavy in the air, and Debra grasped the gravity of the situation. Her eyes widened with understanding, and she nodded decisively

I’ll go and show this to Becky right away,Debra declared, her voice determined as she reached for the document and made. her way purposefully out of the room

Patrick watched her depart with a tender smile

Meanwhile, in the cozy confines of the living room, Rebecca cradled Lily close to her chest, softly encouraging her to say Mommy” 

Mo…mo….Lily’s innocent voice echoed through the room as she blinked up at her mother with wide, curious eyes. After a brief pause, a tiny bubble formed on her lips, followed by a heartmelting utterance of Mommy!” 

Rebecca’s heart swelled with joy, her eyes shimmering with tears of happiness. Lily had just called her Mommyfor the very first time, which was a milestone that filled her with immense pride and warmth

Just then, Debra emerged from the study, drawn by the sound of Lily’s joyful proclamation. Her face lit infectious smile as she hurried over to join the heartwarming scene. Lily called you Mommy?” 


with an 

Rebecca nodded enthusiastically, her voice laced with emotion. Yes, she did!” 

Quick, sweetie, I’m Grandma. Say Grandmafor me!Debra’s eyes twinkled with anticipation as she playfully coaxed Lily

Lily turned her attention to Debra, her expression curious and attentive. With a look of concentration, she attempted to mimic the sound. GrGrand… 

Lily had just started learning how to talk and wasn’t very fluent yet, which was completely normal

Debra placed the divorce agreement on the table and then reached out to take Lily from Rebecca’s arms as she began. Becky, this is the divorce agreement prepared by Adrian. It focuses on securing custody rights for the children, ensuring the Edwards family won’t contest it and try to take them away. When you speak with Theodore about the divorce, make sure he signs this agreement.” 

Rebecca’s attention shifted to the divorce agreement resting on the table. With a deep breath, she reached out and picked it 

  1. up

Money or possessions don’t matter to us, and we care most are these two children. We must ensure they stay with us and not let that jerk take them away,Debra continued

Having spoken her piece, Debra moved to the cozy corner where Lily lay nestled in her arms. She cooed and gently encouraged the baby to say call Rebecca Mommy

Meanwhile, Rebecca settled into the soft embrace of the couch, her fingers tracing the embossed letters of the divorce agreement as she carefully read it

As she read, Rebecca felt a wave of relief wash over her. Adrian had thought of everything, especially the future care of her beloved children

Yeah, I’ll make sure he signs it,” Rebecca declared softly

Debra’s face lit up with a proud smile at Rebecca’s resolve, nodding her approval warmly

08:51 Mon, Jun 22 

Chapter 99 

With the agreement in hand, Rebecca rose gracefully from the uch. I’ll go upstairs and put the way 

Tomorrow, Theodore had scheduled a meeting to discuss their vorce, leaving Rebecca with today to gather herself at home


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