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Loved by the twin alphas (Alexia Miles and Michael) novel Chapter 3


Alexia was dead sure the golden eyed man was going to kill her, since the silver eyed wolf did not, but immediately he got right in front of her, the harsh expression on his face faded

He stood over her, where she was on the floor, looking down at her from his incredible height, as she was completely at their mercy. But he made no move to kill her as he had said seconds ago

A small breath escaped her, as she stared at both of them in fright and confusion. What was going on

You’re not a rogue.” 

The golden eyed man said to her, his eyes narrowing even further

She nodded quickly, almost too stunned to speak. Tears had almost gathered in her eyes that he had realized she was not a threat like they had probably thought, hence they had tried to kill her

He looked back at his brother in his wolf form, and dropped the clothes on his fist on the ground. The wolf picked it up and moved into the woods. There was a couple of loud curses and cracks of form shifting that sent a flock of scared birds taking flight into the air

Before the sounds of footsteps emerged from within the woods. Alexia stared with a hand on her chest, afraid of what was going to come out of there, but when her eyes rested on the male figure stepping out of the woods, her lips parted in shock

It was almost like a carbon copy of the golden eyed man. The same towering height, strong, broad shoulders and natural tan skin. The same jet messy black hair, except that his was an inch shorter, but there was something noticeably different

His eyes glowed silver. Shiny, beautiful silver, just like his devilish wolf

And he had black cargo pants on, with black boots, but his shirt was unbottened, revealing the ladders of ripped abs lining his torso

Alexia was dumbstruck as her wide eyes moved back to the gold eyed one, then back to the silver eyed one. Twins, she 


Their male beauty was so jaw dropping that her initial fear had turned into something else that had made her voice flee from her throat. Then she remembered that the gold eyed one had called the other man, Miles

Miles. The name sounded familiar

He came up to stand beside his brother, and said

I was just about to rip her throat out when I got the pack’s scent on her. She does not have an individual scent, so I have no fucking idea what she’s supposed to be, Micheal.” 

Michael. Miles


Alexia gasped, when it suddenly hit her. The twin Alphas of the pack! She had never seen them before, as she was always locked indoors because of how much of a disgrace she was to the family, that is why she could not recognize them or their wolves

But it was them. And they had nearly killed her

Alphas, I am from your pack! I am not a rogue, please. I always passby this path on my way back from school! My father is Beta Raymond!” 

She exclaimed desperately, scrambled up from the floor. Even standing at her full height, her head barely reached their 



Micheal and Miles exchanged looks, and Micheal stepped forward with a warning shining on his golden eyes

Don’t you fucking lic. How come we have never seen you before?” 

Miles crossed his arms, making his biceps flex

And why do you fucking have no scent?” 

Alexia was desperate to explain herself, but it was difficult to do so with two powerful Alphas looming over her, with the strength and ability to break her into halves or rip her into shreds if she lied

She stuttered, then remembered that her sister was dating the twin Alphas. She hated having to mention Kayla, because of all the pain she had put her through, but now it was necessary

That would be the only thing they would believe

I am your girlfriend’s sister.She said. Kayla’s older sister.” 

The expressions on their handsome faces changed simultaneously at those words. Miles stepped forward, eyes dead serious

What did you just say?” 

Alexia said again

My name is Alexia. My father is Raymond, and I’m Kayla’s sister. I’m just trying to get home.” 

Miles was not having it. His tone grew disbelieving

Do you think you can just fool us by mentioning a few names-?” 

She’s not lying.” 

Michael suddenly said, staring intently at Alexia. He was a pro at reading people, knowing when they were lying or pretending, and he had seen the genuine honesty and fear in Alexia’s body language

Miles turned to look at him

How did we not fucking know that our girlfriend had a sister all these years? She is always talking about being an only daughter. I thought we fucking knew everything about Kayla?” 

Micheal was appearing even angrier the more the seconds passed, as he wondered why their girlfriend would hide the fact that she had a sister away from them

Why would she fucking lie

I’m fucking disappointed in her.” 

Micheal ground out, his eyes darkening. Miles had the same enraged expression on his face as well

For years since we’ve been dating, she’s been fucking constantly keeping such a secret away from us? Does this mean she does not fucking trust us?” 

Michael clenched his jaw

Well, I know for fucking sure that I don’t trust her now. To think she’s about to become our Luna soon, when she’s not even transparent with us.” 

The anger radiated from them in waves, but Alexia managed to let out a sigh of relief when she saw that they had finally believed her. But it was scary having to stand close to two enraged Alphas

She could not bear to imagine what Kayla’s next move would be against her once she finds out that she had exposed her lie to her boyfriends

But for now, she was just glad that she had not been killed for nothing. And Kayla must have kept her existence a secret from them because she was a freak, and a disgrace to the family

People in the pack only knew her because she only stepped out of the house to go to school, if not for that, no body would 

even know of her existence

Her father had lost all hope and love for her, so her home had become her prison. Well, she was more than glad to be returning to that prison now, after having such a close call with death with the dangerous twin Alphas

We’ll take you home.” 

Miles said. It was not an offer, so even if I would rather return home alone, I said nothing, scared I would make them transfer their rage at Kayla over to me

Micheal started to walk down the path, and I tried to follow, but my legs were shaking from the leftover adrenaline that had been pumping my veins filled from the horrifying scare I had earlier. Miles paused and looked me up and down

Did I hurt your legs?” 


My tiny stutter was cut off when he bent to sweep me off my feet and into his arms. It was so unexpected that a shocked and flustered blush covered my face immediately

His silver eyes saw my reaction, but he made no comment. He began to walk on the path, with Micheal in front. They were fast, because in the time I was furiously blushing as my body pressed against Mileswarm chest and breathed in his male scent, we had already reached my house

Micheal paused in front, and turned back to glance at me in his brother’s arms

We’re here.” 

Miles gently placed me back on my feet, and I whispered a tiny thank you, trying to hide my blushing face inside my hoodie. Without looking back at any of them, I practically flew up the stairs to the front porch and hurried inside, leaning back against the door

The house was dim, meaning there was no one at home, but even through the door, I could still feel their beautiful gazes on 

  1. me

Quickly, I leaned off the door and went and collapse on a couch, barely able to accept what just happened. The Twin Alphas nearly killed me thinking I was a rogue. Then, they brought me home


And I spent the entire time in Milesstrong arms. It was unbelievable, that I, the freak would ever cross paths with the Alphas. My widened eyes stared at my legs which were still trembling

But for an entirely different reason

Micheal and Miles stared at the house Alexia went into, for a moment, before Miles shook his head

She really is Kayla’s sister.” 


Micheal dug his hands into his pockets, stepping back

We’ll confront her about it when we see her.” 

Almost coincidentally, Michael’s phone began to ring, snagging Miles attention

He both looked in Michael’s direction, to see him sliding out a phone from his pocket. He glanced at the screen to see that the caller ID said Ciara

He picked up



She spoke up, her voice tight with control. Whenever she sounded like that, Michael knew that she was severely pissed off by something or someone. In this case, it was someone, according to her next words

Kayla is here, and she is in a severe tantrum. That has caused your younger sister to get into an argument with her, and now it’s getting so out of control that Kayla is about to get into a fist fight with Jenna.” 

Micheal closed his eyes briefly, even more pissed off than he was before

Brushing his hair back, he listened to the next words Ciara uttered


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