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Love’s Change of Heart novel Chapter 109

Chapter 109 Your Tongue Will Be Cut Off

Once they were at the coffee shop, Georgina ordered a cup of Americano, then she turned and asked Leanna, “Miss McK, what would you like to drink?

Leanna turned to the waiter and said, “I’d like to have a glass of milk. Thank you.”

After the waiter left, Georgina said with a smile on her face, “I didn’t expect you to be a non-coffee drinker. I thought that designers like you who need inspiration would be more or less inseparable from caffeine.”

“It’s not that I don’t like coffee. I’m only drinking milk because of my health.”

Leanna did not feel the need to bring up her pregnancy to someone she had just met, so she made up a casual excuse.

“You’re right. You seem very fit. You probably don’t need it,” Georgina said.

Leanna smiled politely in response and initiated the topic, “Miss Crossley, tell me more about what your sister likes. Then, I’ll send you a draft, and if you’re not satisfied with it, I’ll revise it.”

“This is actually a spontaneous gift, so there are no specific restrictions,” Georgina said. I believe with Miss McK’s abilities, you can design it however you like. My sister really likes the ‘First Love’ series, and that series holds a different meaning to her. She would be overjoyed if she knew that you designed her wedding gift.

“You’re too kind. I’ll try and come up with something and send you the first draft of the ring within a week. If Miss Crossley has any other requests, I’ll amend accordingly.”

“Then, it’s settled.” Georgina gave Leanna her email address and said, “You can just send the design here.”

Leanna nodded lightly. “Okay.”

Then, Georgina got up. “I still have something to do. We’ll just conclude our talk today. I’ll be looking forward to your draft, Miss McK.”

“Goodbye, Miss Crossley.”

After she left the coffee shop, Leana habitually wanted to take a taxi but suddenly remembered that Aidan had arranged a driver for her, who was waiting nearby.

She took a deep breath. Then, just as she walked a few steps, Zoe called her. “How was it? Did you seal the deal?”

“Yup. The design will be out in a week.”

This almost made Zoe applaud aloud. But, then, she paused for a moment before asking, “Nana, I just agreed for you on my own accord. Are you angry at me?”

Leanna smiled when she heard this. “Why would I be angry about this money-making deal?”

Although she and Aidan had struck a deal about the money, she still had a child to raise in the future. So, even if Zoe did not step in and agree for her, she would’ve taken the deal herself.

This was work, and there was no place to be nice regarding a job. Not to mention, she wouldn’t let a customer slip away from her fingers just because of Queenie.

Zoe let out a sigh of relief once she heard Leanna’s reassurances. “Good. Did you see how Queenie’s face turned white with anger just now? I think she must be vomiting blood right now. Just thinking about it makes me happy.”

“Go back to work. I’m going to head home first. She didn’t give me any restrictions or a theme for me to design. So, I don’t have a clue how I will go about it,” Leanna said.

Although there was no limit to designing these things, that was also the most challenging part. Fortunately, she could garner inspiration from wedding themes.

“All right, all right. Once you’re done with this order, we’ll go out for lunch.”

After hanging up the phone, Leanna looked up and saw the driver nearby, waving at her and shouting, “Madam, I’m here.”

She walked over and couldn’t help but whisper, “Next time…don’t call me Madam anymore. Aidan and I divorced a long time ago.”

“Okay, M-m-m…”

Apart from ‘Madam’, the driver didn’t know how else to address her and stammered for a while before keeping quiet.

Then, Leanna sighed silently and said, “Let’s go.”

At the end of the day, what did the conflict between her and Aidan have to do with them?

Once she was home, she locked herself in the room and started to draw some prototypes.

During this period, servants would come and ask her to eat, only for her to reply, “Ah…I’m not hungry. Thank you.”

She wasn’t hungry as she had a lot this afternoon while looking for inspiration.


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