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Love’s Change of Heart novel Chapter 110

Chapter 110 A Master in Multitasking

Leanna felt that since the days she and Aidan lived together, she would either die due to the rage he invoked in her, or he would eventually be so fed up with her that he would deal with her in a way that didn’t involve killing. Then, he would bury her in a place where she couldn’t be found.

Fortunately, she b*stard seemed busier in the next few days. She didn’t even know if he would come back at night.

Leanna finally managed to relax and came up with a design.

After she emailed the sketch to Georgina, she left her desk and stretched.

Then, Leanna picked up the phone and noticed that it was the weekend. Immediately, she texted Zoe to ask if she wanted to go shopping.

Zoe, who just happened to be lying in the apartment Leanna rented, immediately became energetic after receiving Leanna’s text. “Let’s go. I’ll leave the house after I change.”

When they met, Zoe looked at Leanna with a meaningful smile on her face. “Nana, your complexion seems to be getting better, and you’re getting a little more chubby. It seems like that b*stard is treating you well.”

Leanan did not know how to react to this. “What are you talking about? The only reason I’m surviving is that I’ve been lucky.”

After the two chatted more, Zoe noticed a baby store next to her. Just as she was about to drag Leanna in, Zoe was stopped by Leanna. “No, no, no! Please, don’t!”

Zoe had no idea why Leanna was reluctant. “What’s wrong? I saw a cute shirt in there.”

Every time Leanna saw any baby products, she felt her head throb. Who knew what went through Aidan’s head the other day when he bought countless baby products? To make it worse, Jonathan had brought all the boxes from Underwood Lane to Castor Villa in the past two days.

She didn’t know how to explain it to Zoe and just said, “I have enough of those. Let’s look at other things.”

“Fine. I’ll wait until the baby’s born then.”

After they strolled around the mall, Zoe noticed that there was a new apartment nearby and dragged Leanna along to the viewing.

She had already given her previous house to a real estate agent and handed everything to the agency. She would just have to sign the contract if the price was right.

And if she found a suitable place, she could also pay the deposit first.

The new development happened to be in the business district, with a good location and surrounding facilities. Hence, a lot of people came to take a look.

This piqued Zoe’s interest. But then, she suddenly heard a familiar voice, “Honey, I like this one. Let’s buy this, okay?”

Anthony might have agreed after hearing Jeanette’s coquettish tone if it were anything else. But, what she was asking, for now, was a house with a down payment of several million.

He could only prevaricate, “Actually, I think it’s nothing special. Let’s look at something else.”

“I don’t want to. I like this one. Look at this room. We can both live there. Then, this room can be my dressing room. This would be the baby room. There’s also a large balcony that faces the central square. The view at night must be beautiful.”

The salesman next to them began to upsell the apartment, “Sir, Madam, this apartment is very popular. Unfortunately, there are only a few floors left. The later you buy it, the fewer options you have.”

When Jeanette heard this, she was keener on getting Anthony to pay the down payment immediately.

The salesman continued, “Sir, since your wife loves it so much, why don’t you just buy it?”

Anthony was embarrassed. He couldn’t just walk away because of his pride.

Once Zoe had enough of the show, she sneered, “He needs to be rich if he wants to buy it.”


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