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Love's perfect match novel (Elspeth and Callum) novel Chapter 28

Chapter 28 She’s Nancy Star

The comments started getting out of hand and the song’s popularity was affected as well. Blake realized how serious things had become, so he immediately went to the Winthrop Group to discuss with Elspeth what they should do to combat this issue.

Elspeth had been in discussion with Callum about the company’s next collaboration. She cocked her eyebrows in amusement when she heard about the controversy online.

“So they’re saying that I imitated Nancy Star?” Elspeth couldn’t resist chuckling at that very idea.

Blake frowned at her reaction. “This is quite a serious matter, Elspeth.”

She doesn’t seem bothered by it at all.

A bold thought came to mind when Callum noticed Elspeth’s reaction.

However, he didn’t voice it. He merely studied Elspeth thoughtfully as he waited to see what she would do next.

Elspeth gave Blake a reassuring smile. “Don’t worry. I’ll take care of this. It won’t affect the release of your new song.”

“Alright.” For some reason, Blake found himself having complete faith in Elspeth once he saw just how unaffected she was.

Ophelia knocked on the door and came in. When she saw that the three of them had gathered there, she couldn’t stop herself from asking, “By the way, I heard that there’s a scandal involving the song that Elspeth recorded with Blake. I think people are saying that Elspeth imitated… What’s going on, Elspeth?”

Elspeth merely glanced at her without saying anything.

Nobody responded to Ophelia, but she forced herself to stay calm and suggested, “I think if Elspeth really did do such a thing, she should just make a public apology on social media. Maybe everyone will forgive her.”

A public apology?

Elspeth knew that making a public apology at a time like this was the equivalent of digging a hole for herself. Not only would her reputation be destroyed, but Blake would be affected too.

“I’m not apologizing,” Elspeth declared outright.

Ophelia instantly started fretting. “Elspeth, even if you don’t care about your reputation, Blake still needs to care about his. If you have even a shred of conscience, you should go and apologize on social media right now. What if this ends up affecting Blake’s career?”

“Don’t worry. I won’t let anyone be affected by this.”

“What else can you do? Imitating is imitating. You can’t change what you did!”

“What if there is something else I can do?” Elspeth decided to have some fun.

Naturally, Ophelia didn’t believe her.

She had looked into this already. Nancy Star has retreated from the public eye, so there’s no way Elspeth is her, right? She studied abroad, so where would she find the time to become a celebrity? What a laughable thought.

“What else is there that you can do? Don’t tell me you’re going to announce to the public that you’re Nancy Star. Who’d believe you?” Ophelia retorted mockingly as she stared at Elspeth questioningly.

“It so happens that I am.”

Blake was stupefied when he heard Elspeth’s response.

Elspeth Lynwood, the one that was supposed to be engaged to one of them, was actually Nancy Star, the person he admired with all his heart?!

Even Callum was stunned too.

Ophelia shook her head and sighed. “Stop trying to put up a strong front, Elspeth. You’ll only make things worse for yourself if you keep telling lie after lie.”

Elspeth couldn’t be bothered to debate this with Ophelia any longer. She took out her phone, opened Twitter, and changed to a different account.

She went from an unknown alternate account to an account with tens of millions of followers.

A new tweet popped up all of a sudden. Blake realized that the only account he was following on Twitter had just sent out a new tweet after a year of silence.

It was just four words, but that was enough to leave everyone thunderstruck.

‘I am Elspeth Lynwood.’

In an instant, the tweet blew up on Twitter with several million retweets. A few people started cheering wildly in the comments.


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