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Love's perfect match novel (Elspeth and Callum) novel Chapter 29

Chapter 29 Unexpected Accident

Elspeth dispelled his fantasies by saying, “I’m the woman you’re talking about.”

Max leaped to his feet. “How could it be you?! I don’t believe you!”

“Suit yourself.”

Max snorted. “If you’re really her, then come with us tomorrow and let me see just how good you are. Don’t end up being too scared to even get into a race car.”

Elspeth, however, wasn’t going to let this brat get away with this so easily. “What if I turn out to be her?”

“I won’t call you a country bumpkin anymore if you really are her.”

“You’ll have to call me Miss Elspeth,” Elspeth added with a smile.

Max was determined as well. “It’s a deal! And if you’re not, you’ll get out of the Winthrop Residence at once!”


The next day, Max woke Elspeth up himself and called Callum to join them. The trio headed for Death Canyon.

Max loved racing cars and thus, he looked up to Callum, who was an expert racer. However, once that mysterious woman broke Callum’s record, he started imagining what she’d look like.

Elspeth changed into a crimson racing suit that made her the center of attention.

Callum was also wearing red, and the two made quite the match when they stood together.

“If you have shoddy racing skills, then don’t wait until you embarrass yourself. You can still admit defeat now.”

Elspeth climbed into the race car and put on her seatbelt. “Watch me.”

The engine started and the car flew down the race track before anyone could even react.

Initially, Max was still unconvinced, but once he saw the way she handled the car as she completed the lap, his jaw dropped. “T-This is impossible. How could this be?”

Callum kept his voice low as he replied, “I looked into who that person was the last time. It is Elspeth.”

“Callum…” Max stared at Callum with a pained expression. “Why didn’t you tell me sooner?!”

Callum raised his eyebrows without saying anything.

By the time Elspeth got out of the car, Max was no longer the haughty brat he was earlier. “Miss Elspeth,” he muttered reluctantly.

“Good boy!” Elspeth praised with a smile.

After seeing how confident she was, Callum couldn’t help but ask, “Shall we compete again?”

Elspeth only rolled her eyes as she countered, “Who wants to compete with you? Not me, for sure!”

Max immediately started egging her on. “Miss Elspeth, do compete with Callum. I’ve never seen anyone who’s better than him!”

“Don’t tell me you’re chickening out,” Callum added in his deep, rich voice.

That sparked Elspeth’s competitive streak. “Fine. Let’s compete. We’ll do it right here with this new race track. The first one back wins.”

The two of them waited at the starting line and as soon as the horn went off, both of them slammed the accelerators and their cars shot off into the distance.

Elspeth was clearly more skilled, but Callum was a steadier racer and wasn’t far behind.

The two cars remained approximately ten feet apart the whole time. Elspeth smirked and was about to start accelerating once more when her face turned pale.

“Callum!” she screamed all of a sudden.

Callum’s chest tightened. “What’s the matter?” he asked.

“The car’s out of fuel and it’s going so fast right now. It’s very likely that it’ll stop abruptly!”

Elspeth was too afraid to dwell on the consequences if that happened. When a car that was going at high speeds stopped all of a sudden, there was an 80% chance that it would swerve out of control.

If that happened, the momentum would send her flying at least over 30 feet away. She didn’t dare to think about the outcome.

Callum’s expression was grim as he spotted the trail of fuel that kept flowing out of her car.

“Stay calm. Wait for me.”

Callum sped up and moved closer until his car was parallel to hers.


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