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Love's Redemption (Chris and Maddie) novel Chapter 213

Chapter 213 

I wasn’t sure what kind of favor he was asking for, sol stayed silent. Chris then continued, My parents can’t accept Jewel at all, especially my mom. Could you say something nice about her to my mom?” 

That was like twisting a knife in me. Chris had to be doing this on purpose. If he wasn’t out of his mind, then he must have thought I was a pushover to think I was willing to help him

Mr. Gildon, if you really want me to say something, I can tell you right now, it won’t be anything nice.I wasn’t about to play the saint


Chris, I’m not an angel. I can’t be the bigger person. Jewel has nothing to do with me, so why should I say something nice about her?I shot back 

Then, Chris asked immediately, Is it because you’re jealous?” 

I let out a laugh. So you’re trying to see if I’m jealous? Well, I’m afraid you’ll be disappointed. Not only am I not jealous, but I’m also relieved. I’m relieved that I saw who you truly are early on.” 

Chris sighed on the other end. Maddie, I only gave Jewel a title. I owed her this. But we really didn’t” 

I frowned and cut him off coldly. That’s between you and her. It has nothing to do with me

But there’s nobody else I can talk to.Chris sounded dejected

He had always been so confident and rarely showed vulnerability like this. However, whatever he said would not concern me anymore. We were both adults, and we had to live with the choices we made

Sorry, I’m busy.I stopped long enough to let the words sink in before hanging up

The journey continued until I reached the repair shop to pick up my car before heading over to meet Lisa. Brandon hadn’t contacted me these few days, but I knew he was aware of me spending time with Ellie. Kara had sent me a message to tell me that most of the lighting adjustments were done. She mentioned that Brandon had been staying up all night to make sure everything was perfect. It seemed like he was catching up on the work he had been neglecting

Lisa’s illness had hit her hard. She had been down with a bad cold for several days, so she had taken a rare long break at home

I’m still contagious. Be careful or you’ll get sick too,Lisa warned me as soon as we met

I gave her a big hug while ignoring her warning. Well, bring it on.” 

She playfully punched me a few times. Don’t think I don’t know why you’re so fearless. You’re the first person I’ve seen who cares this much about their future sisterinlaw. You’re not even married yet.” 

Since she brought up Ellie, I didn’t hold back either. So any progress?” 

Lisa went silent. I titled my head and looked at her. Don’t tell me you’re still working up the courage to ask him? Come on, this is a matter of life and death.” 

Do you really think I’m that weak?Lisa retorted

My eyes lit up. So, you’ve contacted him? How did it go?” 

Lisa remained silent, which made me anxious. I grabbed her arm and shook it. Come on, tell me! Is it possible?” 

He said he’ll be back in a few days and will contact me then,Lisa spoke slowly

I sensed there was more to it. That’s it? Is there something else?” 

Lisa shook her head. Nope. That’s all.” 


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