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Love's Redemption (Chris and Maddie) novel Chapter 214

Chapter 214 

Lisa was always clearheaded, but she could be a coward

Sometimes she would jump to conclusions without even trying

In this instance, we were different, but everybody had their own way of dealing with things. There was a saying that went, you can’t live someone else’s life for them. No matter how close we were, this was no exception

I spent the night at Lisa’s place before heading back. I didn’t meet Brandon at all. The neighbor downstairs asked if I had gone on a trip with my boyfriend since she hadn’t seen us for a few days. That was when I realized Brandon hadn’t been home at all

Even though Kara mentioned Brandon was busy, I knew the real reason he chose to stay here was because of me. When I was around, he would come back every day. When I wasn’t, he didn’t even bother showing up

Since he wasn’t coming here, I decided to go see him instead

When I arrived at the amusement park, Kara spotted me and immediately ran over. She gave me a big hug without saying anything and then playfully punched me

Maddie, you’re so heartless! It’s been ages since you last came to see me.” 

Those punches really hurt my shoulders. It made it seem like I had wronged her

I’m here now, aren’t I?I patted her back, but my eyes were looking in Brandon’s direction

He was high up, being secured by safety ropes and wearing a safety helmet. He was performing checks at the top. However, even from up there, he had already.noticed me while I waved at him

He pressed a button beside him and slowly descended, I turned to Kara with a smile. What’s with the long face? Did Mr. Howell give you a hard time again?” 

No. He’s actually more sensitive than before, Kara said while looking at me. Maddie, you’ve changed. You look different.” 

Her comment caught me off guard. Different how? Am I uglier? Or did I get tanned?” 

I had spent the past few days with Ellie. Whether it was feeling the wind, soaking up the sun, or playing in the river, I was fully enjoying the great nature

No, you’ve become more carefree.Kara smiled. More beautiful and attractive too.” 

As soon as she finished speaking, Brandon had already descended and was walking toward us. His long legs had captured my attention

The way he carried himself in his workwear exuded masculinity too. For a brief moment, I had the urge to run up and hug him, maybe even steal a kiss

Mr. Howell.Kara’s formal greeting brought me back to reality and stopped those inappropriate thoughts

The lights in Zone D, Groups three to six are unstable. Check them and send me the footage of last night’s dynamic light test,Brandon instructed Kara

1 clearly saw Kara pout as she reluctantly tore her gaze from me. I wanted some time alone with Brandon

so I waved her off

Maddie, don’t leave. Let’s have lunch together.Kara invited me again as she clearly missed me

Chapter 214 



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