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Love's Redemption (Chris and Maddie) novel Chapter 51

Chapter 51 

It’s not your fault. Selfpreservation is human nature,I said sincerely. I truly 

I didn’t blame Kara. After all, even among sisters, one would prioritize herself before helping the other

Ms. CrownKara shook my arm, wanting to say more

But I interrupted her, Mr. Gildon said that if we don’t resolve the lighting issue, we’ll be held responsible. We don’t have time to think about anything else. We need to focus on solving the lighting problem.” 

Kara’s eyes widened. But it’s not our fault. It’s like we’re being blamed for something we didn’t do.” 

We are responsible for this project. If there’s a problem, we are the first ones accountable. No excuses. If we don’t want to face the consequences, we have to fix the problem,I said sternly

Kara didn’t argue any further. She nodded and turned away. I heard her mutter,Using public power for personal revenge” 

I understood what she meant. She thought Chris was venting his frustration with me through this situation

I sighed. Didn’t I know that too? But the more he tried to blame me, the more determined I was to resolve this issue flawlessly. That would leave him. speechless

Moreover, this amusement park was my way of fulfilling my dad’s dream. I couldn’t allow any flaws. My dad was a perfectionist. I wanted to show him that his daughter was just as excellent and perfect

Kara soon came back with the contact information for the lighting 

manufacturer and the construction tem. made the calls and decided to invite both parties to the site to discuss the problem and find a solution

They agreed. But the earliest they could come was the day after tomorrow. So, there was no point in stressing for the next two days

Considering that Kara had barely slept last night, I gave her the day off to rest. I also decided to visit Gildon estate. I had cleared things up with Chris, but I still 

needed to settle things with the Gildons

Just as I was packing up to leave, Jewel came to find me. Madeline, can we 


I don’t think we have anything to discussI replied. I had just checked the personnel records and knew that Jewel joined the company three days ago. She was in the administration department

I was in the project department and had no direct contact with her department. So, her visit couldn’t be workrelated

What do you want to talk about, Ms. Massey?I asked formally

Jewel had not only joined the administration department but also became a supervisor. Chrisactions were no different from an ancient emperor 

bewitched by beauty

Her being parachuted into the role was one thing. But making her a supervisor 

was sure to spark gossip among employees

And he did it without any regard for my feelings. After all, I was his fiancéeto- be. Jewel had just been involved in a scandal with him

It’s a personal matter,Jewel said. Her face was full of embarrassment

I glanced at the time. I’m sorry but it’s work hours now.” 

Jewel looked embarrassed. She pressed her lips together. Then, how about

after work?” 

I pointed to my bag. I’m leaving now, and I have other things to do after work.” 

Jewel’s face turned even more awkward. She looked around. Since there was no one else there, she said, I know you’re upset with Chris because I’m living in that house. I can move out.” 


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