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Married at First Sight (Serenity and Zachary) novel Chapter 193

“I‘m warning you, Lyndsey.

Mia is the backbone of our company.

Be nice and don‘t say or do anything stupid, okay?” Afraid that she might displease Maria, Jeremy made sure to advise Lyndsey to be on her best behavior.

“I know, I know! Mia‘s my super idol.

I‘ll be good, I swear.” “Alright.

I‘m counting on you.” Finally convinced, Jeremy agreed to let her meet Maria.

However, he worried about how Lyndsey might react once she found out how old the other woman really was.

“Ding dong.” A few minutes later, the doorbell to the office rang.

As a matter of fact, Maria‘s fingerprints could unlock any encrypted equipment in Yeez Entertainment, including the safe in the CEO‘s office.

However, she believed that ringing the doorbell was a common courtesy, so Maria stood outside the door and patiently waited for the door to open.

“Is that her? Am I finally gonna meet Mia?!” In her excitement, Lyndsey jumped off the table and fumbled to pat her wrinkled dress.

Jeremy could only roll his eyes and shake his head.

After all, even if he was her boss, Lyndsey had never taken him seriously before.

Not once did she show him proper respect, yet here she was, all ready to behave just because she was about to meet Mia, the famous script writer.

“I‘ll get the door!” Before Jeremy could even respond, Lyndsey had already darted in front of him.

However, when she opened the door, she found a young girl standing outside.

“Um…” Lyndsey tilted her head, feeling a little underwhelmed and disappointed.

Granted, she didn‘t actually know what she was expecting Maria to look like.

However, this girl in front of her seemed to be no more than twenty years old and was even dressed so modestly.

There was no way this was who they were waiting for, right? In her confusion, Lyndsey found herself studying her face and realized how beautiful the girl was.

For an adult who had just turned 27 this year, Lyndsey felt so shocked and amazed that someone this young could look this pretty.

A few seconds later, she came to her senses.

“Sorry, but this is the CEO’s office.

Are you here for the audition? The studio’s on the first floor.

You can take the elevator down there.” “No, I‘m not.” Maria spoke concisely.


Are you a fan then? I can give you an autograph or even take a photo with you if you want, but we’ll have to be quick because I’m actually really busy right now, okay?” Lyndsey was known for being nice to her fans.

Still, if it weren’t for Maria’s pretty face.

Lyndsey wouldn’t have been so patient, Meanwhile, Maria felt lost for words.

She wasn’t even fond of talking, but Lyndsey astounded her enough to render her completely speechless.

Instead, she handed her the final script of The Legend of Anne, then walked past her into the office.

“What– Hey! Where do you think you‘re going? Stop!” Lyndsey was stunned and even felt a little annoyed.

Not only did the girl ignore her, she even had the audacity to walk into the CEO‘s office without permission.

As pretty as she was, Lyndsey thought she was a little rude.

She was about to tell Maria off when her eyes suddenly fell on the document in her hand.

Since Jeremy hadn‘t finished making the coffee, he stood at the side when Maria introduced herself to Lyndsey.


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