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Married at First Sight (Serenity and Zachary) novel Chapter 194

The Chief Director In the president’s office, Maria began to walk them through the script.

She articulated the story clearly in an unhurried tone.

Through her narration, every character in the script seemed to come alive, turning from words on a page to real people with flesh and blood.

When she finally finished her words, she grabbed the mug in front of her and took a sip of coffee.

Only then did she notice that the usually stone-faced Lyndsey was dabbing at her tears with a tissue.

After crying for a long time, Lyndsey spoke in a solemn tone as if she was making a sacred vow.

“Don’t worry, Mia.

I’ll play the role of Anne well and won’t let you down.” Jeremy, who was standing aside, couldn’t help but roll his eyes secretly.

Didn’t Lyndsey just tell him that she wanted to play the role of the leading man? How could she change her mind so soon? Unbothered by Jeremy’s reaction, Lyndsey sat upright like a primary school student and raised her hand to ask Maria questions about the script and the characters.

Meanwhile, Jeremy carefully took notes, sighing appreciatively every once in a while at how deep and detailed Maria’s explanations were.

Her storytelling was so immersive that Jeremy even believed that he could now personally direct this play.

“Transfer the payment for the script to my designated bank account within three days.

If there is nothing else, I’ll take my leave now,” Maria said indifferently.

“Okay, no problem!” Jeremy replied.

Then, after a moment, he added, “How about I send you a list of promising candidates after today’s audition? You can have a look first and then we can decide the actors for each role together.” Jeremy had the final say on Yeez Entertainment’s affairs.

No one in the company dared to question his authority.

But if he had the opportunity, he would gladly hand over the company to Maria and be her loyal follower Jeremy’s words ignited Lyndsey’s excitement in an instant.

Nodding fervently, she suggested, “The auditions are on the first floor, Why don’t you go and take a look now? It’s better to watch them in person than read the comments later.” Maria had never interfered in the management of Yeez Entertainment before.

The casting of The Legend of Anne had never even registered in her mind as an important event.

However, it just so happened that her schedule for today was completely free, apart from the “date” with Anthony.

Since the engagement with Anthony was maintained, she was more or less idle now.

“Okay, why not? I just so happen to be free,” Maria agreed.

Shoving his surprise aside, Jeremy hurriedly said, “Please wait a moment.

I will inform the audition staff to arrange the main seat for you!” The author of the story was personally going to the casting spot.

Who was more qualified to sit in the main seat other than her? Even Jeremy wasn’t more qualified, let alone the director of the crew.

“Don’t bother.

I’ll just stand in a corner and watch,” Maria said firmly, shaking her head.


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