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Married by Accident Taming the Billionaire (Cecilia) novel Chapter 162

Chapter 162 The Frustrating Result
Chapter 162 The Frustrating Result
Remington parked his luxury car in front of the DNA test organization, and Winger came over with the report.
Remington took a deep breath when he received the report that had just been printed.
The result was about to be revealed.
Soon, he would know whether Samuel was his father or not.
Remington opened the envelope and looked through the documents from beginning to end. When he saw the kinship analysis report stating a 99.99% chance of them being relatives, he was shocked and frozen.
In other words, Samuel was indeed his biological father.
“Mr. Nelson, what is the result?” Winger asked.
Remington was lost in thought and couldn’t figure it out. He asked Winger, “Is this the report of the test I took yesterday?”
“Yes,” responded Winger.
“Did they tamper with it secretly?” asked Remington.
“No, they didn’t. I’ve been here the whole time, and I can guarantee that the result is true and valid,” replied Winger.
Remington furrowed his brow even more, wondering, “If this result is accurate, and Samuel is indeed my biological father, then why did my aunt Maryam say those words? Besides, why did my mother say Sámuel wasn’t my father? And what about the secret? What is it exactly?”
Just as Remington was lost in thought, another car parked in front of the test organization. The window of the back seat was rolled down, and Samuel’s solemn face came into view.
“Remington!” Samuel called out as he got out of the car.
Upon seeing him, Remington remained cold and indifferent with no change in his gaze.
“How is everything going? Did you receive the report?” Samuel asked as he approached him.
Remington walked out of the car, stood in front of him, and stared at him. “Yes.”
“How does it state?” asked Samuel.
Chapter 162 The Frustrating Result
“As you expected, you are my father. But this result only disappoints
me even more.
Remington gave a snort of contempt and tossed the report at Samuel. He then turned around and got back in the car, commanding Winger to drive.
Winger drove off, leaving Samuel alone.
Samuel checked the report and looked at the result with a slight smile on his lips.
On the way back to Nelson’s, Remington was extremely depressed as he reminisced about Samuel’s behaviors after his mother disappeared.
Remington couldn’t help but be furious.
As far as he remembered, his father loved his mother and their family very much when he was a child.
Remington wondered why his father would have an affair with Renee later and let her give birth to Samson and Sabrina, who were only three years younger than Remington.
Remington didn’t understand why his father would change so much.
When Remington returned to the Aroma Villa and got out of the car, he saw a lonely child sitting at the door.
Whitegon and Featheron were next to the child and both of them. wanted to have fun with him. However, the boy ignored them and had been sitting there for a long time.
“Hello, Mr. Nelson!” greeted Whitegon and Featheron.
Remington nodded and walked over to Andres. “Son, I’m back.”
Andres gazed up at him and drooped his head again with his arms around his knees, looking lonely.
He felt abandoned by his mother and was sad because he couldn’t see her. He missed her badly.
“Come on, son. Let’s go inside!” Remington wanted to pick up his son, but Andres struggled and pushed him away, breaking free and running off.
Andres didn’t want to play with his dad anymore if his dad couldn’t get his mother back.
“Quick! Follow him!”
Chapter 162 The Frustrating Result
“Yes!” Whitegon and Featheron chased after Andres.
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However, they were unable to find Andres, and it was Cynthia who brought him back to the Aroma Villa in the end.
Upon hearing that the child had returned, Remington came down from upstairs.
At the sight of Remington, Cynthia sighed, “Remington, what have you been doing all day? Did you go to the place I got you a ticket for? Have you been trying to help my nephew win back his mom?”
At the mention of the ticket, Remington flared up.
“Can’t you see I’m trying?” he snapped.
“I haven’t seen any effort from you. Do you even know how to pursue a girl?” Cynthia asked.
“You don’t need to teach me,” grumbled Remington.
Cynthia was really worried about her brother, hoping that he could live a happy life. “If I don’t teach you, you won’t know how to do it. Don’t just try to pursue a woman with sweet words. Women know how you mén are good at deceiving them and they don’t believe your words, especially someone as smart as Cecélia. You need to show sincerity. Understand?”
“What do you mean?”
To win Cecelia back, Remington was willing to learn.
“You need to give her flowers, gifts, and other things that would make women happy. Don’t be so dull every time you see her,” Cynthia explained.
“Got it. I’ll give her some tomorrow. Okay?” Remington said.
“Hey, this is completely the wrong attitude. How can you be so unenthusiastic? You should go now. Look at my nephew. He misses. his mom so much.” Cynthia urged.
“I know what to do. Don’t worry about it anymore. You may go now. Andres, stay home, and I’ll make dinner for you.” Remington said as he rolled up his sleeves and headed toward the kitchen.
Before leaving, Cynthia held Andres’s little face and soothed, “Don’t worry, sweetheart! I will help your dad win back your mom as soon as possible so that your family can be reunited. Okay?”
Andres nodded.
Chapter 162 The Frustrating Result
“Be a good boy! Eat and sleep well, and listen to your dad. Understand?” Cynthia said.
Andres nodded again, and Cynthia left with a relieved heart. Today, Reeley Model Agency assisted the exhibition center in completing the Cathail Exhibition, which had exhausted her.
However, the exhibition was a great success, and every show company they worked with highly approved of their models.
There was a heated discussion about the Cathail Exhibition, and several companies, such as Taylor Design Company and The Linsey Group, received good publicity.
Cecelia, who was in the LC Group’s tailoring office, read the relevant news online.
Topics like the Linsey Group achieving new heights of success and the brilliance of their chief designer Ophelia captured a lot of attention.
Upon said, “The show today has a great impact on the Linsey Group. Its stock price has skyrocketed and is almost at its peak.”
“Then let’s make it stocks plummet to the limit tomorrow.” Cecelia strategized with her arms crossed over her chest. “Post the article. I really want to see how embarrassed Ophelia will be.”
Soon, a news story about the plagiarism of the Cathail Exhibition and the Linsey Group appeared on the internet and almost instantly became a trending topic.
There was an incredibly large amount of people forwarding and commenting on it within just two hours.
Whoever had read the news began to condemn the Linsey Group’s chief designer, calling her a shameless thief.
Meanwhile, The Linsey Group hosted a press conference to fully promote their exhibition today.
All the reporters had arrived. Gary attended it, accompanied by his daughter, Ophelia, the president, Sean, and the vice president, Harry.
During the press conference, Ophelia was interviewed and asked about her design philosophy. She responded, “I was inspired by mountains and seas and racked my brains to design the Linsey Group’s new products. They are exclusive and original.”
Suddenly, there was a murmur of voices from the audience, which grew louder and louder until a reporter stood up and asked, “Miss.
Chapter 162 The Frustrating Result
Ophelia, you claim that the Linsey Group’s designs are your
exclusive and original creations. But why did someone say online that all your designs were plagiarism?”
It caused an uproar in the crowd. Ophelia was utterly shocked. “What? How is that even possible?”


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