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Married by Accident Taming the Billionaire (Cecilia) novel Chapter 383

Chapter 383 The Thing Behind the Scenes
Brett revealed that five years ago, Chris arranged for him to do something heinous-burning the Laytons' house. But Brett was mindful, keeping Chris's sound recording from that time.
After that, Chris gave him 75,000 dollars, asking him to leave Porema with the money and never return.
Brett was away from the city for five years. He did business but failed and lost all his money, and he also got addicted to gambling. Driven to despair, he could only return to Porema.
Back in the city, he threatened Chris with the matter a few times and got a total of 120,000 dollars from him. But he lost all the money soon.
"Since he's unkind, I can betray him!"
Brett was very angry that Chris had sent men to kill him. "I've told you guys everything I know, and all the money is mine, right?"
"Where's the sound recording?"
Cecelia not only recorded what Brett had just said, but she also wanted Chris's sound recording.
Brett said, "I won't bring something so important with me. I've hidden it somewhere."
"Go back with him to get it! If he dares to play tricks, take back the 120,000 dollars and send him to the police station!"
"I'm telling the truth..." Brett didn't dare to lie.
After Cecelia finished all that, Adam left with Brett. Not only did she want the thing, but she also told Adam to keep the witness safe.
She couldn't believe what she had just heard. "Chris was so insane! The fire from five years ago was set by the man he arranged for! No wonder Auntie Fiona always has trouble with his small family."
"The relationships between people in rich and powerful families are always complicated. Those family members will do anything for profits." Remington had also deeply experienced it. "Anyway, it's in our best interest to know the truth now."
"Right! I'll let all of them pay the price!"
When Cecelia got back to the Songos' house, dinner was already on the table. Alfred stood up and sat in the head seat.
"Great uncle, great aunt, everyone is present!"
Cecelia went in and greeted them. Seeing her return, only Edwin and Fiona showed their welcome, and the others all looked cold.
"Cecelia, you're back. Sit down and have dinner!"
Alfred signaled her to sit down and eat, and Cecelia sat down without pleasantries.
Since Queenie had spread the news, the Songos knew Cecelia was the perfume concoctor. Seeing her behavior, they all showed disdain.
"Cecelia, I've heard that you're the so-called perfume concoctor. You set a trap to snare the Songos. What do you really want to do?" Dana questioned.
Cecelia said with a smile, "How could you say that, Auntie? Being a perfume concoctor is just my hobby. You say I set a trap to snare the Songos. What's the proof of it? When did I trap the Songos?"
"You took away the Songo Dyehouse by tricks, didn't you?"
Dana looked coldly at her, and Mariah, her daughter-in-law, echoed, "That's right. Cecelia, you were so unkind. You seem to have returned to break up the family."
"The Songo family is a big one. How could I be able to break it up? Unless some try to create internal conflicts. The family will break up only when internal disagreements appear. I want to ask, 'Is the Songo family, one consisting of so many members, of one mind?'"
All of them were rendered speechless, looking at one another. Cecelia deliberately said, "Besides, I heard that the big fire in the Laytons' house killed so many people, and Auntie Fiona's closest family members also died in the fire. So many years have passed, but has any one of you truly felt for her? Has anyone believed what she said?"
Fiona arrived late, but was just in time to hear Cecelia defend her from outside the door. She was moved, hot tears streaming down.
No one had believed her words in the five years! Everyone thought she had a mental illness, and they didn't help her file the case for investigation.
The fire in the Laytons' house was ruled an accident. Her husband's family's living souls, including her husband and son, were all killed.
Who would know how much pain she had borne over the years?
Cecelia's words just touched her heart.
None of the Songos said anything, and the dining room fell silent. Chris felt a bit like sitting on pins and needles. Hearing Cecelia speak of the fire in the Laytons' house from five years ago, he felt so uncomfortable.
Dana wanted to put in a few more words. But Alfred said, "All right, let's stop talking. Eat!"
Halfway through the meal, Chris hurriedly left the dining table, going to a remote spot outside to answer a phone call.
His man said on the phone that they didn't get Brett. Chris roared, "I can't believe you failed to catch him! You're all useless!"
"Sir, we captured him, but someone rescued him."
"We don't know. The person was too fast. We were completely unaware of what was going on."
"Track him down!"
"Yes, sir!"
After hanging up, Chris became anxious. Who on earth took Brett away?
If he disclosed the matter, there would be big trouble!
After dinner, Cecelia returned to her place. Because of Daisy's death, that room had been cleaned up. She had taken out the items and been arranged to live in a wing room of another courtyard.
And this courtyard happened to be the one where her aunt Fiona lived. When she was about to sleep, Cecelia heard a knock on the door.
"Who is it?"
"Cecelia, are you still up? It's Auntie Fiona."
Hearing Fiona's voice, Cecelia opened the door. "Auntie, it's so late. Why didn't you go to bed?"
"I couldn't fall asleep. I wanted to chat with you."
"Come in!"
Cecelia let her in. Fiona sat down at the table and stared at her quietly.
"Auntie, I didn't see you eat dinner. Is there anything bothering you? No matter what it is, you can tell me!"
Fiona could feel Cecelia's sincerity, so she was willing to put down all her guard. She took Cecelia's hand and cried with excitement. "Cecelia... so many years have passed, but no one has ever wanted to hear me talk..."
Then Fiona tearfully told her about the fire in her husband's (or the Laytons') house in detail.
Cecelia gave her tissues to let her wipe away her tears. Fiona blinked her tearful eyes and said, "So many people, including my husband and son, from the Layton family all died. They were unjustly killed, weren't they?"
"Auntie, so you were there, and only you narrowly escaped death, right? You said you saw someone running around the fire. You think someone intentionally set the fire, right?"
"Right! I did see that, but no one believed me. My husband and son both died, and I was so shocked. The doctor confirmed I had a mental illness. They all thought I was talking nonsense."
"I believe you, aunt. I don't believe the fire occurred without a reason. There must be something behind it."
Cecelia already knew that the fire had connections to Chris, but she didn't tell Fiona straight away, afraid she would break down and go fight Chris with her life.
"Thank you! Thank you, Cecelia! You're the only one who is willing to believe me."
"Who do you think might have done it?"
"I've been suspecting Chris, but I have no evidence," Fiona said with a bitter face.
"You mean my uncle Chris might be the one behind the scenes? But why? You and he are all Songos, and you're half-siblings, so how could he do something like that?"
"He could! He envied me! Initially, my father wanted to hand over the management of the Songo Group to me because I was very independent and resourceful in business. He had high hopes for me, but my elder brother came and asked me to give it up on my own.
"I didn't agree. He said that I was a woman and had no right to take over the company, and that if I insisted, I would not have a good end.
"The fire happened in the evening before the takeover ceremony took place. Tell me, who else but he was trying to deal with me?"
As she was angrily speaking, Fiona pulled out something from the gap between her chest clothes layers. "Cecelia, could you please help me with something?"


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