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Married by Accident Taming the Billionaire (Cecilia) novel Chapter 7

Chapter 7 She Was in Trouble 

Cecelia learned a lot about Andres from Florence, which made Cecelia feel shocked, angry, and guilty

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Andres had been suffering from anorexia. He only ate the food cooked by his father and didn’t even take a look at the food cooked by others

Remington had been in a coma for the past month. Andres would rather starve than eat the food cooked by others. Only when he was extremely hungry would he eat some bread

The boy got part of the wounds on his body because he fooled around naughtily and he got the other parts of the wounds because he had been bullied by his cousins

Cecelia realized that the two chubby boys were the children of Remington’s cousin. They often bullied Andres whose mother wasn’t 

Andres couldn’t speak or complain, so they had nothing to fear

As Cecelia learned more and more about it, she felt so heartbroken that she could hardly breathe

After taking a bath, Andres stopped bleeding. Cecelia wiped the water on his body and finally saw his face

Andres had the same face as Max and Cyrus, but he was more confident and mature than them, although he shouldn’t be so mature at such a young age


After dressing her son up, Cecelia held him tightly in her arms again, feeling his little body, his veins, and his powerful heartbeat

This was the first child she gave birth to

The blood and bones in her body were closely connected with the child’s

Cecelia felt that her life seemed to be full after she found her son

She told her son inwardly, Andres, I will never leave you again. Nor will I let anyone bully you anymore. I will take good care of you and make up for what I owe you

Before the mother and the son could hug each other for long, al servant ran up to them in a hurry and said, Bad news! Madam Maria and Young Madam Lydia are here. They have even brought someone along with them.” 

What’s going on?Florence wondered what happened and followed the servant downstairs to have a look

Chapter 7 She Was in Trouble 

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Outside the Aroma Villa, Maria, and her daughterinlaw, Lydia came to take revenge aggressively

Come out, Ophelia!” 

Look at my children! How dare you hit him like that! Come out right. now!” 

Florence quickly ran upstairs to Cecelia and said, Miss Linsey, did you hit Madam Maria’s grandsons today?” 

Are they two chubby boys? Yes, I hit them. What’s wrong?asked Cecelia. 

Madam Maria and Young Madam Lydia come to take revenge and ask you out. What should we do now?Florence and the other servants were very nervous. Clearly, they were afraid of Maria

Then let’s go out and have a look!” 

Cecelia asked Andres to stay in the room. She went downstairs alone and walked out of the villa

Why are you screaming here? I thought some wild dogs were barking outside. It’s so noisy!” 

Cecelia turned her finger in her ear at the gate of the villa

When Maria and Lydia saw the woman in a wedding dress coming out, they frowned and asked, Who are you? Why are you dressed like this? Where is Ophelia?” 

I am just Ophelia.” 

How is that possible? Maria, I know Ophelia. I’m sure that she isn’t. Ophelia.Lydia blew Cecelia’s cover in public

The surrounding people were all surprised. They stared at Cecelia and realized that Cecelia was pretending to be Ophelia, who was supposed to marry Remington to bring blessing to him

Since you are not Ophelia, then you are just a fake. How dare your bully my grandsons?Maria shouted angrily

Lydia added fuel to the fire. You just scolded us for barking. How dare you!” 

Clearly, bother Maria and Lydia were not friendly people, and their eyes seemed to be filled with anger

When did I bully your grandsons?Cecelia asked fearlessly, folding her arms over her chest

Maria pulled out her two grandsons and asked, Kalvin, Barry, tell me the truth! Who hit you? I’d get justice for you


Chapter 7 She Was in Trouble 

It’s her!” 

The two chubby boys angrily pointed at Cecelia


Maria said angrily, Did you hear that? Look carefully. What’s on the faces of Kalvin and Barry? Their faces got swollen because of your slap. There are even handprints on their faces.” 

How can you be sure that their faces are swollen not because they are fat?Cecelia asked indifferently

Lydia was pissed off and felt sorry for her children. How can you be so vicious? Do you hit otherschildren because you don’t have one? How can you still deny it?” 

Cecelia snorted and asked, You keep blaming me for hitting them. Why don’t you ask me why I hit them?” 

Maria and Lydia glared at her angrily and didn’t say anything. Cecelia continued, Your two grandsons bullied Andres. I just couldn’t stand it and taught them a lesson so that they can know what they should do and what they shouldn’t. Did I do anything wrong?” 

Ha, I’ve never seen an eloquent woman like you. You’re an adult. When you bullied children, you still make up such a lame excuse? My children bullied Andres? How could that even be possible? Kálvin and Barry are on good terms with Andres. They are cousins. Don’t slander my children here, okay?Lydia shouted, protecting her 


Cousins? All right. Let me ask you, children. Did you hit Andres? Did you put mud and leaves into his mouth? Did you scold him as a dumb bastard?Cecelia asked as she looked at the two children

The two chubby boys were typical bullies at home, and they became bolder with the support of their grandmother and mother


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