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Married by Accident Taming the Billionaire (Cecilia) novel Chapter 8

Chapter 8 Blew Her Cover 

Noticing something amiss, Florence rushed back to the villa and asked Remington for help

Remington, who was lying on the bed, also heard the noise outside, but unfortunately, he couldn’t move. Just as he was feeling anxious, Florence came in and reported, Bad news, Mr. Nelson. Madam Maria is going to hit Miss Linsey. What should we do?” 

After listening to Florence’s brief explanation, Remington roughly understood that Cecelia had offended Maria in order to protect his 


Thinking of what Cecelia had said to humiliate him and the slap she had just given him, Remington had intended to stay out of it, but in the end, he still asked Florence to tell Gabriella and ask Gabriella to deal with it

Florence went to make a phone call. Remington wanted to get up, but he couldn’t move his legs or see anything, no different from a disabled person

He was so angry that he thumped the bed. He felt like in a living hell. now that he couldn’t even take a single step

He couldn’t even protect his son

Several bodyguards brought by Maria rushed up to Cecelia outside. the villa. Cecelia kicked them one by one without even blinking

Soon, she defeated all the bodyguards and remained unharmed

Maria’s face changed dramatically when she looked at the bodyguards, who were groaning in pain on the ground. Damn it! I didn’t expect this fake to be so good at fighting,thought Maria to herself

Maria yelled, You bitch! Just wait and see! I’ll teach you what it means to mess with me.‘ 

Okay, I’ll wait for you.Cecelia sneered

Maria had no choice but to run away with her daughterinlaw and her bodyguards. They were going to tell Gabriella and ask Gabriella to drive Cecelia out

After they left, Cecelia turned around and saw Andres who was staring at her with glittering eyes in the villa

Andres, do you think I’m awesome? Do you want to learn from me? If someone bullies you in the future, you can beat them up as I did.Andres nodded seriously. Of course, he wanted to learn. He wanted to be stronger so that others wouldn’t dare to bully him

Chapter 8 Blew Her Cover 

Before you learn the skills, you must eat on time. Only when your are strong enough can you learn the skills.” 

Cecelia picked up her son, walked into the villa, and said, Shall I cook for you now?” 


She touched Andres’s nose. Andres stared at her and his feelings for her changed a little

It feels quite good to have a mother,thought Andres

After putting Andres in the living room, Cecelia rolled up her sleeves and went to the kitchen to cook for the child

Just when Cecelia was done cutting some vegetables, Florence hurried in and said, Bad news, Miss Linsey. Madam Nelson asked you to meet her right now

Hearing that, Cecelia threw the vegetables into a basket and said, All right. Let’s go.” 

Cecelia picked up Andres and followed Florence to the main hall of the Nelson family

There were many people in the main hall, including the mighty Gabriella, the elegant Renee, the domineering Maria, and many other people like Lydia

Cecelia, together with Andres and Florence, walked up to the crowd. Florence introduced Cecelia and said, Madam Nelson, Madam Renee, Madam Maria, Miss Linsey is here.” 

Renee looked at Cecelia and said in surprise, What? She is really not Ophelia, the daughter of the Linsey family.” 

Ophelia was a socialite diva of the Center City, known as one of the three most stunning ladies in the Center City. She was wellknown in the fashion and design industry. Everyone knew what she looked like, and that Cecelia was not Ophelia

Cecelia glanced around the crowd coldly. Before coming here, she had already checked the information about the Nelson family and roughly knew the relationship between these people

It was said that Aurora, Samuel’s first wife, went missing 18 years ago, and after that, he married his second wife, Renee

Renee used to be Aurora’s best friend and later became Remington’s nominal stepmother

To put it bluntly, Renee was a homewrecker who successfully married her lover


Maria looked at Cecelia with hatred in her eyes and said, Gabriella

Chapter 8 Blew Her Cover 


this woman not only pretends to be the daughter of the Linsey family but also hit Kalvin and Barry and even bullied Lydia. Mom, don’t let her continue to be so arrogant!” 

Gabriella looked Cecelia up and down and asked in surprise, Since you’re not Miss Linsey, who are you then? Why do you pretend to be Miss Linsey?” 

Madam Nelson, I’m not pretending to be the daughter of the Linsey family. I’m just a daughter of the Linsey family. My name is Cecelial Linsey,responded Cecelia


Everyone seemed to be surprised. After choosing Ophelia to be the woman to bring blessing to Remington, they checked Ophelia’s information briefly

Therefore, they knew that Gary’s first wife, Leila, had given birth to a pair of twins. Their son had been missing when he was very young and their daughter Cecelia had died in a fire five years ago

They wondered why this woman in front of them claimed to be Cecelia

How is that possible? It’s known in the whole Center City that Leila’s daughter died in a fire. How can you still pretend to be Cecelia?Maria said aggressively

Lydia said with hatred, It seems that the Linseys are playing tricks. They just asked a random person to pretend to be Ophelia because they don’t want Ophelia to marry Remington and bring blessing to him. After we blew this woman’s cover, she claimed that she was Cecelia. What a liar!” 

Renee echoed, Lydia is right. We can’t let her deceive us. We don’t even know where this woman is from. Maybe she came to our family because she’s up to something. We have to keep a wary eye on her.” 

Do I need to pretend? Here is my ID card! If you want to know if I am Cecelia, just ask the Linseys. I was just lucky to survive


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