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Married To My Sister's Husband novel Chapter 16


I looked through the crowd, he had to be here somewhere and something smelt fishy as well- you can call it a businessman's intuition.

I kept thinking about the look on Livy's face and I felt guilty leaving her all by herself, then my mind flashed back to the young man who had asked her for a dance.

I clenched my fist and fought back the urge to excuse myself from the presence of these business tycoons and look for my wife, before these predators feed on her.

She had been so quiet all night, and I really hope she doesn't get any funny ideas about what Felicity said earlier.

Maybe I should've explained to her and clarify that awkward situation Felicity put me in.

But I immediately gave myself a mental slap, what do I care if she misunderstood the situation or not? Since when has others opinion being a concern of mine?

I cussed silently at the slow fondness that was creeping between Livy and I, and I knew I had to put a stop to it before it's too late.

Felicity was clearly tipsy. She's amazing at hold her whit when she's high, but tonight, she was losing her marbles making me wonder how much she had had to drink.

I was about to go look for Livy when Felicity whispered to my ears, "how about we take this party upstairs for the grand finale, huh?" she asked while wrapping her arms around my waist.

"Hmm, I would have really loved to have a word with Mr Gracía before I leave. After all I came all the way here just for him, don't you think I at least deserve that little?" I asked, milking my way to my mean aim for tonight.

Knowing Felicity as much as I do, she would do absolutely anything to get what she wants at the end of the day. She is smart and bold, but when she's drunk, she can often get...well, easily manipulated.

She nodded and led me upstairs to her husband's chambers.

Mr Gracía took his time to answer the door and I caught a glimpse of why. I had wondered why he retired to bed so early when his party was far from over, and now I knew the reason.

Felicity was not the least bit bothered that another woman was on her matrimonial bed, in fact she seemed so indifferent about it.

I couldn't help but wonder what would happen if it was Livy who found me with another woman, open marriage or not.

At least he was courteous enough to have a word with me, so he led me straight into his study.

We didn't talk long, but he agreed to go into housing and hoteling business with me, if I agreed that there would be no competition with the offer when the time comes.

I guess for him, the older he gets, the warier competitions becomes.

He appreciated the fact that I considered him in the first place and thanked me for attending his party. We said our goodbyes and departed.

Felicity who was waiting in the room opposite the study was still fixing herself more drinks regardless of how high she was already.

I walked up to her to assist her to her room when she informed me that she had stays in her own home few kilometers from the Gracía's mansion.

I guess that makes sense, maybe it was what was decided based on their open marriage agreement.

I can't imagine how awkward it would be passing Mr Gracía's room every night and hear moaning from him and his lover and vise versa. I chuckled at my wild imagination.

She confessed she wanted to spend more time with me, but I offered to call her a ride that would take her home, so she should call it a night and head home.

She was leaning on a table in the room, looking very seductive and hot with her thigh sticking out of her high slit gown.

She moved her hair from side to side exposing her beautiful enticing neck and cleavage that was barely fitting into her dress.

Those were her advances that got me every time when we were still together, so she was trying to seduce me and was doing a great job at it.

Every other hot-blooded male in my position right now would've take her right this instant, but I won't do that.

I walked up to her and put her arm around my shoulder and held her back in an attempt to help her up and steady, but she leaned in for a kiss.

I dodged her first attempt but it wasn't her only one, so I was locked in an embrace with her long legs caging mine as she sat on the table and pressing her body again mine.

I could feel her soft breast crashing into my chest as she started kissing and caressing my shoulder and advanced to my neck, then she cupped my face and leaned in to kiss me, but I held her hand stopping her from moving any further.

She looked in surprise as her eyes caught on something. I followed them to my hand with my wedding band on it.

"You still have your ring on even though she's dead? wow, Markky, I never pictured you as a hopeless romantic. What did she do to you?" she scoff arrogantly.

"Actually, this is from my second marriage. The lady you saw downstairs is not my assistant, she is my wife" I confessed leaving her dumbstruck and completely frozen as a smirk creeped on my lips.

PI can't believe I just admitted that Livy was my wife and I'm actually happy about it.

"That can't be true, you're lying. Why would the mighty Markian fall for such a lowly helpless girl? And it's barely 3 months since your wife passed away, hasn't it?" She questioned wide eyed and beaten.

"Well, things just happened that way, and she is not lowly neither is she helpless. She is in fact the heiress of Luthel Industries, Mrs Judy Luthel's daughter." I boasted proudly.

Felicity was petrified and I almost felt sorry for her, "come on, I'll call you a ride" I told her as I helped her stand steadily.

The light seemed to have dimmed on her face and she was now looking pale as I led her out and called the valet to call her ride.

I put her in it and told her driver to take her straight home before further damages are done.

I couldn't wait to find Livy, so I proudly walked back inside and search all over for her but she was no where to be found.

In seconds I was overwhelmed with concern and worry, I mean why on earth should I be worried about her?

I promised myself never to get so worked up about her after what I saw last night, and I bet she's with him right now. She just wanted me out of the way so she could go be with him.

I clenched my fist so hard -if I had long nails, I would have really hurt myself. My mind went on a rampage as I stomped off in search of her and I looked everywhere but couldn't find her.

I went outside to see if maybe, just maybe she was tired of waiting for me inside, so she came outside for some fresh air.

I already called for my car, so once I see her we can leave immediately, and there I saw her in the arms of another man, her head leaning on his shoulder and she was about to enter his car.

Without thinking, I stomped off towards them and yanked her away from his arms.

If she should be in anybody's arms, then it should be mine, she is my wife after all, my wife! She winced in pain and muttered something, but when she looked up and saw me, she froze.

Her I will deal with later, but him? He was about to be taught a serious life lesson, I thought as I looked over Livy to see who this clown was.

Behold it was my cousin, Daniel. I thought something was fishy as I wasn't able to find him anywhere, and here he was snuggling and being cozy with my wife?

I felt an overwhelming rage fill my chest and I had to let it out unless it might choke me to death.

My car arrived in time and was parked behind Daniel's car.

"Livy, get in the car," I ordered unfeelingly.

I swear to the heavens, if she attempts to disobey me right now, I'll loose my marbles and only God knows what will happen next, I thought.

"Markian...i" she tried to speak, obstructing my movement as I took a step towards Daniel who stood behind her looking completely calm.

"Olivia, I said get in the car, goddamit!" I yelled scaring her as she jolted in fear, but didn't move.

I grabbed her hand and attempted to drag her to the car myself but she didn't bulge. When I turned back, I saw Daniel pulling at her other arm and I flipped.

"Let go of her this instant!" I growled like a wounded animal, because that was what I was at this moment, but he refused.

"I'll take her back myself, I don't think she wants to go with you and looking at you, it seems you're quite busy" he said.

Is he seriously joking right now? How dare he dictate what my wife wants to do or doesn't want to do? I was filled with so much anger at this point and it was blurring my vision of thought.

"Markian...p" she stuttered.

Why the hell was she still standing there stuttering when I clearly just told her to get in the car? Am I being toiled with right now?

"Olivia! Get in the goddamn car this minute before I do what we all would really regret!" I yelled in pure wrath.

"Can't you see she doesn't want to? I'll take her ho..." he was about to finish when I swung down on his face with my fist.

He fell to the ground but finally left her hand as she gasped in terror as though she was the one that had been hit.

He turned and looked up at me smiling, and there I lost it as I reached down and punched him again and again.

I grabbed him by the collar and pulled him up while Livy just stood there frozen as she watched in horror.

"What did you just say, huh?! Go on! Tell me what you think she would like to do or not do! C'mon! Tell me, you bastard!!!" I yelled and punched him again.

I paced to and fro as I took off my suit and folded my shirt sleeves that were acting as a barrier between the weight of my punches and his face.

"C'mon, You have a lot to say don't you? Tell me just who the hell you think you are telling me what my wife wishes to do, huh? She is my wife, mine! Who is she to you? Who the hell do you think you are?!" I ranted and yelled in anger.

I was about to punch him again when he wouldn't answer me- just stood there cleaning the blood off his lips and smiling, but I froze in split seconds as I saw Livy jump in between my fist and Daniel.

"Get out of my way before i really hurt you!" I growled angrily though I didn't mean it.

It was even more frustrating seeing her protect him and taking his side. My chest hurt and I've not felt anything like that in a while.

When she didn't move, I scoffed, "so you're really going to defend him in my presence now, huh?! The both of you have been sneaking around behind my back, haven't you? Hah, I should have known from the day of our engagement party that something was up between you two, and even when I saw the cctv from Castlehill rooftop, I didn't want to believe it because he was my cousin and you were soon to be my wife. You have no morals or values whatsoever, and I wanted to trust you again, but every single time I've tried you've only proven to me over and over again that you can't be trusted." I ranted in anguish and pain as the anger was slowly disappearing.

"Markian...please, please stop. Daniel did nothing wrong...its all my fault, but I can't keep these up any longer" she sobbed defensively.

"Don't you dare, don't you dare say another word or try to defend him because I'm going to really hurt him if you do. Just keep quiet and get the hell out of my way!" I ordered, but my words fell on deaf ears.

"I want a divorce..." she cried out, knocking the socks right out of me. I felt a construction in my chest making it hard for me to breath.


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