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Marry A Hidden Billionaire (Alice and Daniel) novel Chapter 100

Chapter 100 

Alice touched her head. I was drunk yesterday, and my mind went blank, so I can’t remember what happened after we 


She said her mind went blank

Daniel frowned a little

Seeing this, Alice blinked and immediately leaned over. She lowered her voice and asked by his ear, Daniel, I didn’t do anything shocking yesterday, did I?” 

Alice’s breath smelled good, and the faint fragrance made his heart race

Daniel clenched his fingers slightly but looked as cool as a cucumber. He pressed his fist against his lips and coughed lightly. You got them to feel jealousy last night.” 

Alice immediately slapped her forehead. Boys, I love you the most! I’ll always love you all!” 

Hearing that, the three kids blinked and instantly glimpsed at their father proudly, looking like they were telling him something with that look

Daddy, you heard that

Alice said she loves us the most!” 

Seeing his sons showing off to him, Daniel’s temples twitched. He glanced at them meaningfully and said lightly, Alice, you’ve kissed me first, and you’ve even tried to…” 

He deliberately paused and raised his eyebrows to look at Alice, which meant what he would say next was not for kids to hear, wondering if she wanted him to continue

Hearing that, Alice immediately jumped over and covered his mouth nervously. Daniel, the boys are here. Let’s talk about something else.” 

But she got no response from Daniel

At last, she was surrounded by Daniel and his three kids and sat there like a child who had made a mistake. Okay. Okay. I’ll take it if you want to settle the scores with me now.” 

Aidy and Benny looked at her and could not help but feel sorry for her. They walked over with small steps and held her hands on both sides. Then, they tiptoed and kissed her cheeks

Alice, I’m cute and also love you. I hope you can also say you love me when you’re drunk! Then, I won’t be jealous,” said Aidy

Benny was jealous but felt drinking was not good for Alice’s health, and he was more worried about her

Alice, I was a little jealous, but I thinkyour health is more important. If you can, please don’t get drunk again!” 

Alice was touched in a second. Her heart was full of love. She carried the three kids one by one and gave each of them


Oh, thank God! I’m so lucky to have met cute and sweet boys like you. I love you the most. I want to be here for my life.” 

The three kidslittle faces brightened up. They blinked, indicating that they were overjoyed

They also loved Alice very much and wanted to be with Alice forever

Daniel, who got jealous the night before, felt even more jealous

She only wanted to be with the kids and only loved them

What about him

As her husband, was he nothing to her

you all 

In Good Times Cafe in Studio City, Sheryl pretended to be elegant as she picked up her coffee cup. She raised her eyes to glance sideways at the woman opposite her, shook her head softly, and sighed

Maisie, no offense, but your way of dealing with Alice was wrong.” 

Maisie looked deeply wronged. But I’ve got no other way to deal with her. You also know that she has Freddie behind her!” 


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