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Marry A Hidden Billionaire (Alice and Daniel) novel Chapter 99

Chapter 99 


The girl in his arms suddenly quieted down. Daniel came back to his senses and paused. Then, he saw Alice having a red face and closing her eyes

She was so calm and quiet that she looked like a sleeping princess in a fairy tale

She was completely different from the sexy foxy lady she had acted like

He couldn’t help but approach her lips

However, Alice’s frown woke him up. He held his forehead, and the fire of desire in his eyes gradually went out

What was wrong with him just now

He almost couldn’t help it when Alice teased him

He had expected that he would have sex with her someday since they got married

But out of his expectation, it came so fast

In his opinion, it was sacred to have sex. At the very least, they both had to be ready for it and do it at the best time

But he was out of his mind this night

And he couldn’t deny that Alice could easily affect him

It seemed that he started to care about her

After Daniel pulled himself together, he held her up carefully and carried her to the room. Then, he grabbed a hot towel and wiped her neck, hands, and feet for her

He found it funny and annoying when he heard her sighing in comfort. He pulled the blanket over her and tucked her in

He could not help kissing her forehead

Alice, we can try to be husband and wife.” 

On the morning of the next day, Alice woke up in a familiar environment and did not feel uncomfortable

She raised her hands to rub her temples, trying to remember what had happened yesterday

However, she could only remember she got drunk and slept in the small room

What happened after that

Did she embarrass herself

This was the first time she had gotten drunk in front of her husband’s family. She thought the elders would probably refuse to see her again if she had done something stupid

Daniel?Alice did not dare to overthink. She lifted the blanket and rushed out of the room to look for Daniel. Have I done anything stupid yesterday?” 

Why aren’t you wearing your shoes?Seeing Alice coming out barefooted, Danie’s expression was a little serious

The floor felt cold even in summer

She was a girl and should take better care of herself

Alice was stunned and looked at Daniel in a daze. She had no idea if it was her illusion or what else, but she had a feeling that Daniel was a little different from before

The way he looked at herwasn’t as vigilant as before

Was it because he visited his parents and the family elders the day before, and he was lectured

While Alice was thinking, Daniel took a pair of slippers from the side and squatted elegantly in front of her, holding her ankle with his palm

Alice’s back stiffened as she looked at Daniel confusingly. DanielWhat are you doing?” 

Daniel looked up at her. Put on your shoes.” 

AhemII can do it myself.” Alice suddenly blushed. This was the first time someone had helped her put on her shoes. Thank you.” 



Chapter 99 

You’re the stepmother of the kids. Take care of yourself! They need you,Daniel said as he helped her put on her shoes

Only then did Alice notice that the three kids were seated and eating breakfast in the dining room


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