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Marry A Hidden Billionaire (Alice and Daniel) novel Chapter 197

Chapter 197 

Josh was too distracted by the fact that Daniel had been lying to Alice and did not catch Alice’s expression at all

Afraid that Johnny would be concerned about her, Alice smiled after a moment’s hesitation

Johnny, Josh was just joking. I’m not that bad in the entertainment industry. You know I will sign a contract with the Kaur family after settling my current contract.” 

I will sign under the brother of the big tycoon, Mr. Kaur. With good resources, I’ll be able to clench the roles of the female leads very soon. And when I file for divorce, I will be able to” 

Johnny coughed and asked in surprise, A divorce? Didn’t you just get married?” 

Had his boss not checked the system and told him Alice was married, Johnny would still be kept in the dark

It was one thing for this girl to get married without informing him, but she was talking about divorce now? That quick

At this moment, Josh’s body stiffened. He looked at Alice nervously. Yes, that’s right. You just got married. Why are you getting a divorce?” 

If Alice dared divorce Daniel, none of them would be able to live in peace

What miserable lives they led. Not only were they always at Daniel’s beck and call, but they were his punching bag too

Daniel should vent his anger on other people instead

Alice rolled her eyes at Josh. The relationship is broken and cannot be mended. There is no point in carrying on.” 

When Johnny heard what Alice said, he coughed and weakly raised his hand and put it on Alice’s wrist

Alice, where is that bastard who is bullying you? Get him down here now. I’ll inform my friend to lock him up for two months!” 

Hearing this, Josh subconsciously rubbed his arms

On the surface, Johnny seemed like an innocuous male host, but Josh and Alice knew it was not as simple as he looked

If he said he wanted to lock someone up, he was not joking

Silently, Josh was already mourning for Daniel

This is between us, and I can settle it with him. You should rest. Recuperating is the most important thing.” 

Alice was worried about Johnny and did not want him to worry about her

I’m fine. Since the doctors brought me back from the brink of death, I will not die that easily,the palefaced Johnny said with determination

With that, he got down to business

Alice, help me contact Lieutenant Higgs and tell him my cover was blown. I can’t carry out the rest of the task as planned.” 

Alice and Josh were shocked by his words

Especially Alice, who looked incredulous. Your cover was blown? So Johnny, I was not mistaken. You’re really a spy?” 

When Johnny debuted under the alias of Big Johnny, Alice already had her suspicions

However, whenever she tried to ask Johnny, he refused to divulge anything, like his mouth was glued tight by super glue

Alice did not expect Johnny to admit it now

Therefore, his injuries were because of his mission, right

Ahem, I’m an undercover agent. Sorry for making you worry,” Johnny apologized

However, they left evidence behind when they attacked me this time. Lieutenant Higgs knows how to nab them. You don’t have to worry about this.” 

On the contrary, I’m worried about your situation. I had thought your husband was from a wealthy family, so it didn’t matter if they took revenge. But he’s just an ordinary employee.” 

In fact, Johnny had always hoped that Alice’s partner would be a capable man


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