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Marry A Hidden Billionaire (Alice and Daniel) novel Chapter 198

Chapter 198 

Josh covered his mouth and shook his head guiltily. I was distracted just now and said something by mistake.” 

Fuck, did he almost reveal Daniel’s identity just now

But Johnny was different from Alice

Johnny was an undercover agent

And one had to be a highlevel criminal investigation officer to be an undercover agent. He should possess some extraordinary observation skills

Moreover, the minute Johnny checked the system, he would be able to unearth Daniel’s identity

Therefore, he had to be careful

Unless Daniel confessed, he should never let slip the truth

Otherwise, the consequences would be dire

Alice glared at Josh. If you’re too tired, go back and rest! Don’t slack off here. I don’t have the energy to take care of you!” 

Josh nodded as if he had just been pardoned. Okay. Okay then. Then, I’ll make a move first.” 

He was not good at lying. The longer he lingered, the 

Alice looked at Josh and shook her head helplessly. Then, she said, Remember to help me pick up the kids from kindergarten.” 

William and the others did not look very reliable. It was safer to ask Josh for help

Josh’s mouth twitched when he heard that. Didn’t you say that you’re getting a divorce? Why are you still so concerned about the kids?” 

Because I’m only planning to leave the husband. I will still acknowledge the kids.” Alice smiled. Also, do you think William and Daniel are reliable people?” 

Oh. They are indeed unreliable.” Josh nodded

Suddenly, Josh thought of something. If Alice could just abandon the husband and retain the children, then maybe she could retain the brother also

As Josh left the ward, doubts flashed across Johnny’s eyes

Why was Josh’s reaction so strange when it came to Alice’s husband

If he had not been bedridden in the hospital bed and unable to carry out an investigation, Johnny would have detained Josh and interrogated him

Back at the corridor

Daniel was still letting off steam

Josh walked out of the ward and let out a long sigh of relief

How is it? How is Alice doing?William walked over and bombarded Josh with questions

Josh looked hesitantly at Daniel

He then said, There’s good news and bad news. Which one do you want to hear first?” 

Of course, the good news first!William urged. Don’t keep us in suspense. Tell us quickly.” 

The good news is, Johnny’s real occupation is not a male host. He’s probably a senior police officer working undercover. You don’t have to worry about what Alice’s family is doing.” 

I knew that guy is not what he seems,Freddie said with an expected expression

Meanwhile, Daniel looked at Josh. And the bad news?” 

The bad news is, he is an investigator! He has eagle eyes like that of a lie detector! Daniel, you’re finished! Just wait to be exposed at any time!” 

Josh was fuming, his face was full of grievances

If Daniel had spoken the truth from the start, he would not have to worry about this now

Daniel frowned and glanced at him. Okay.” 



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