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Marry My Hot CEO Baby Daddy novel Chapter 13

Chapter 13 The Little Monkeys

"You’d better explain to me what is going on."

After she calmed down, the first thing Emma did was call James to condemn him scathingly.

How could he just let her two young children leave without adult supervision?! What would happen if they got hurt or god forbid, kidnapped?! Emma was practically seething.

James grumbled, he felt bad too but he didn't have a say in this.

"The two of them booked tickets on my phone."

"Where were you? You didn't know about your phone?”

" I just woke up two hours ago, Emma. Can you believe it? I was struck by your two little devils. They put sleeping pills in my drink! I slept for a whole day and there were over ten missed calls from the hospital. I'm putting on my pants and I have to go to the hospital immediately!"

When she heard this, Emma looked at Natalie and Nathan, bewildered.

"Did you two drug uncle James??"

Natalie was munching on a peach and replied, "What are drugs?"

Emma snorted. She knew her daughter down to a tee. It was obvious that she did it.

Emma thought to herself, Natalie should be an actress when she grows up. She'll win the Oscars for sure with her superb acting skills!

"Are the two little monkeys alright?" On the other end, James had just put on his pants and was about to go out.

"They’re fine. They're safe here. Otherwise, I wouldn't have called you."

"I can’t talk to you anymore. If I don't go to the hospital, the dean will really kill me."

Chapter 13 The Little Monkeys 1

Chapter 13 The Little Monkeys 2

Chapter 13 The Little Monkeys 3


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