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Master of his heart (Max and Brielle) novel Chapter 1349

The plane touched down in Beaconsfield, setting the stage for a new chapter in the lives of King and Brielle. Irene, her voice just beginning to recover, issued a firm instruction to Jaired, showing a spark of her old self.

"Get one of the villas in Beaconsfield ready for us."

Jaired was so furious he almost stomped his foot, nearly jabbing his finger in Irene’s face. But he held back, feeling a mix of relief and bitterness. Maybe if Irene kept herself occupied with her infatuation, she wouldn't do anything reckless. Wouldn't risk her life for another thrill.

Jaired had once vowed he'd do anything to keep Irene alive. He knew she had a death wish, but he desperately wanted her to choose life. Without Irene, the secrets of Project 001 would be lost, making Jaired's own life feel meaningless. Call it selfish, but he arranged for the couple to stay in a lavish mansion, sharing the space with him but giving them their privacy.

Jaired had thought Irene’s public displays were outrageous, but what happened at home was just a taste of the real drama. At dinner, Irene played the damsel in distress, unable to open a yogurt lid, her eyes pleading with Bryan.

"Can you open this for me? My fingers are just too weak."

Sitting across from them, Jaired could barely contain his disdain. "Your hands are strong enough to crack open skulls, but you can’t open a yogurt?"

His sarcasm was cutting, but then he noticed her choice of beverage and couldn't hide his surprise. "Since when do you prefer yogurt over booze? You've always been one for a strong drink."


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