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Master of his heart (Max and Brielle) novel Chapter 1400

Mason found himself crying, his eyes drifting to Tiffanie’s wrists, marred by countless scars—some fresh, some faded—each one a testament to her ongoing struggle. Her pain felt endless, etched into her skin.

He quickly got out of bed, his fingers gently brushing over the scars.

Tiffanie stirred in her sleep, her brow furrowing as she muttered, trying to cover her ears as if to block out some invisible torment.

The sedatives had worn off.

Mason hit the call button, and soon Lewis walked in, tending to Tiffanie’s wounds while speaking.

“Her depression is severe. The shock she’s going through now will make her even more vulnerable. If you don’t want to lose her, keep her close.”

“Lewis, how do we fix this? I’ve looked everywhere, and everything says it’s nearly impossible to fully heal.”

Lewis stiffened, hearing the desperation in Mason’s voice. Remembering the nurse’s words about Mason’s father still in the morgue, he sighed.

“It requires medication, but Tiffanie’s not cooperative and she hates psychiatrists.”

Mason fell silent, trying to imagine the horrors Tiffanie must have faced. With Everett and Victoria’s madness looming over her childhood, it wasn’t surprising she was struggling. Some wounds, he realized, might never heal, no matter how much love you pour into them.

The room grew quiet until Tiffanie awoke, her eyes blankly staring at the ceiling, the confusion and fear fading to a profound emptiness.

Seeing this, Lewis quietly left, sensing they needed privacy.

Tiffanie’s eyes wandered around the room, finally realizing she was in a hospital.

Mason hoped she would speak, but her eyes, lifeless like a doll’s, just returned to the ceiling.

Mason’s heart was heavy, burdened not only by Tiffanie’s condition but also by the aftermath of Everett’s death, his body still in the morgue.

The police had asked if he wanted to press charges, but what was the point? Victoria, lost in her madness and now confined to an asylum, had already paid the price.

Looking at Tiffanie, Mason felt a grim sense of solidarity. They were both parentless now, bound by their shared loss. But he couldn’t be sure if she felt the same way or if he was alone in this.


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