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Master of his heart (Max and Brielle) novel Chapter 1498

After Clare hung up with Dustin, she set her phone aside and waited in silence. She was sure he’d come; she really was pregnant, though she knew exactly who the father was.

In the week following their fling, Clare speculated if a baby could tie Dustin down. Yet, Dustin was always so careful—no woman had ever managed to trap him. His precautions were foolproof.

With no other option, Clare turned to another man and got pregnant. She then spun a heartbreaking tale. The supposed kidnappers were out of the picture, leaving no one to debunk her story. Her tears were so convincing, Dustin was bound to believe her.

She'd checked his social media; he was now the proud dad of a boy and a girl. His life seemed so perfect, making her own situation—carrying another man's child—seem all the more tragic.

Considering Dustin had recently rescued her, she figured he'd show her some compassion.

True to form, Dustin showed up.

The moment Clare saw him, tears welled up and spilled over. "Dustin."

Dustin looked concerned, seeing her in such light clothing, like she'd just arrived from a colder part of North America. It was deep winter. Wasn't she freezing?

He shrugged off his jacket and wrapped it around her, his brow furrowed. "The doctors checked you before. Why didn’t you say anything?"

Clare lowered her gaze. "I just couldn’t."

Dustin opened the car door. "Let's get you to a hospital. You've got a big following now; we need somewhere discreet."

Clare got into the car, shivering.

"It's okay. I just want to arrange for an abortion. It's not your child, so don’t worry. I can’t keep it, a child with no known father. Dustin, can you help me book it? I'm sorry for bothering you. I saw your social media; you seem really happy."

Her tears flowed again.

Dustin gripped the steering wheel, his tone softening. "I'll talk to the doctor. What about afterwards? Going back?"

Clare shook her head, her tears falling even harder.

"If I go back now, I'll be found out. I’ve got a two-month leave, so I can stay in Beaconsfield to recover. But I'm not familiar with the area. Not sure where the nice neighborhoods are."

Dustin glanced at her in the rearview mirror.

Chapter 1498 1

Chapter 1498 2


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