Did he really forget about this place ages ago? Thinking it over, it made sense. With his kind of money, digging up someone's info is probably a breeze. Emma’s garden sprawled across a spacious 2000 square feet, bursting with the season’s blossoms. It was that magical time when spring flirted with summer, and the air was thick with the fragrance of flowers.
The garden buzzed with locals, the community leader sitting across from Dustin, looking a bit jittery as he glanced around. Flanking Dustin were two kids, each a mirror image of him. Jaime had those charming, puppy-dog eyes that hinted he’d be a future heartbreaker, clearly taking after Dustin. Heather, on the other hand, was a perfect mix of both parents, with her fair skin and neatly tied pigtail buns, sitting quietly like the little darling she was.
The villagers were gathered around, completely captivated. “Can’t deny it, that kid’s the spitting image of Emma.” “Ever since we got cable last year, have you seen those fashion channels? All those models overseas, they’ve got Emma’s look—sharp features, even skin tone.” “Guess we just didn’t know what we had, huh?” “Both kids are Emma’s? What did she eat during her pregnancy? They’re absolutely glowing.”
By the time Emma made her way outside, the crowd had grown, blocking her path entirely. Jaime’s eyes brightened when he spotted her in the crowd, and in his excitement, he tried to leap off his stool. Being small and in a rush, he took a tumble, and tears flowed immediately. Seeing her brother cry, Heather’s eyes welled up too, her mouth quivering on the brink of a sob.
Dustin put down his tea cup, “No crying.” At his command, Jaime stifled his sobs, shakily getting back on his feet. Heather, with great effort, swallowed her tears. Both kids were exceptionally adorable.
Standing there, Emma felt an overwhelming urge to flee. She couldn’t grasp why Dustin was here. His presence didn't bring joy but rather a sense of dread. It felt like meeting Dustin meant losing something. She couldn’t bear to lose anything more.
Dustin, too, spotted Emma amidst the crowd. She looked healthier and more confident than she ever did as a broadcaster. It hit him that the stunning leopard was indeed better suited for the wild. He regretted not cherishing her, letting her get hurt, and then retreat back to her sanctuary.
The readers' comments on the novel: Master of his heart (Max and Brielle)
pls update next chapter...
New chapters please. Story is really interesting and i love both the ML and FL....
The rest???...