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Master of his heart (Max and Brielle) novel Chapter 338

Chapter 338 

Brielle lowered her eyelashes, a gesture that Aubree, her confidant of many years, knew all too well. Aubree wasn’t the type to spread rumors carelessly; Brielle’s secret was safe with her

I’ve only told Aubree, but I trust her completely.” 

Tiffanie, deep in thought, stroked her chin. You and Aubree have known each other for ages, and she’s mostly above suspicion. But if that snake Andrew is slithering around her, all bets. are off. That guy has always had it out for you.” 

Brielle dropped her gaze. It wasn’t an impossibility, but she was confident that Aubree would have taken her concerns into account and made sure no one was around when she answered 

the phone

The mystery was too complex, and the solution eluded her. Perhaps it was time to switch topics and ask about the Mason Corporation

Brielle turned to Mason. She lacked the courage to confront them about their true identities; it was too melodramatic, too sensational, and she was just an outsider

Mason still had that freshfaced college student vibe, both in appearance and demeanor. When Brielle first met him, she could’ve sworn he’d just left the campus gates. In any college setting. Mason would be the guy everyone fawned over

Perhaps feeling Brielle’s unabashed gaze, Tiffanie opened her arms wide, protective as a mother hen shielding her chick


Brielle, Mason’s off the market he’s mine. Stop looking at him like that. Besides, you’ve got Maxie. Time to rein it in.” 

The corner of Brielle’s mouth twitched, and she caught Mason’s flustered protest. Cut it out!” 

Tiffanie raised an eyebrow. Right, I’m just talking nonsense. So that seal of approval kiss wasn’t for me?” 

Brielle pretended not to hear, sensing Mason was about to blush into flames. She remembered their first meeting; he’d been so composed and so unruffled, even at a bustling reunion. She never imagined Tiffanie, the wildcat, would push him to the brink like this

Brielle cleared her throat. Mason, I bet you’ve had tons of offers to invest in your company, or even buy you out completely. Why didn’t you sell back then?” 

Mason regained his composure, and after a brief pause, he spoke. I’m passionate about the company I built and adore my team. When we, a group of young dreamers, hit wall after wall and returned to square one, we believed we could change the world. It wasn’t just me who didn’t want to sell; none of us did.” 

I’ve never told anyone, but three months after we started, a Wall Street financier wanted to buy us out. The offer was half a billion dollars. I tossed and turned for a month, and to this day, I’m not sure if keeping the company was the right decision.” 


Chapter 338 

That was half a billion dollars after only three months in business



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