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Mated To The Ruthless Alpha King novel Chapter 3

Damon pressed his finger to her lips, halting her rant immediately. "You are here because I chose you. From now on, you are my possession, mine to keep and mine to protect. You will stay by my side, Sarah...where my eyes can always reach you."

Those words jogged back memories that made her stiffen as confusion logged itself deep within her soul. Everything that he said just now contradicted everything that she heard from everyone else. Protect? Damon Kalesto aka the Alpha King, doesn't protect anyone. All he does is kill, kill and kill.

She knew that for sure because a few months back, some newcomers at the dungeon had been gossiping about how ruthless he was. And judging by all that they had said, being around him right now was not a good idea.

'At the time when werewolves took full authority over humans, they all voted for an Alpha King...one that everyone thought would be suitable for the job. But that chosen Alpha King isn't the one of merit nor notoriety...it's the one who wiped out the whole royal family and took his place.

Among both humans and werewolves, he's known as the Devil. Anyone who crosses him --whether young or old-- would have to face the blazing fire from the pit of hell. And that isn't all... If a wild wolf howls or a deer hollers and disrupts his slumber, they would face their demise that very night. If you ever manage to encounter him and live to tell the tale, you'd become a legend!'

Right now, she was sitting before that very man. It wasn't clear whether she'd die or not within the next upcoming second, so she wasn't exactly what you'd call a legend.

His words had sounded like a love confession or something of that sort, yet she took it as his way of telling her that he'd be watching her every move and then the moment she messes up, it would be the end of her. With that in mind, she was supposed to be scared, she was supposed to cry and beg for mercy, but somehow, she didn't feel like doing any of that.

What she did do though was flinch away from him, then without much thought, her right index finger moved upwards and pressed against her lip that had been tingling nonstop when he touched her. She was confused by the odd sensation as much as she was intrigued.

"Why--" she started to ask, eyes temporarily losing focus on Damon as she became trapped in a world of wonder. "Why does it tingle?"

Damon's shoulders slackened at her words. When she had flinched away from him, he feared that she was scared of him, but now that he knew that she was simply curious, his mind was certainly at ease. However, there was still one thing that bothered him...he felt satisfied when others feared him, but for some reason, her being scared of him, didn't sit right with him.

Why? He wasn't so sure.

How did he feel about it? He was irritated...very irritated. A mere human shouldn't have so much effect on him, was what he thought. He was slowly getting to the conclusion that this turn of events wouldn't be good for him...at all.

Weird Experiences 1


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