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Mates with Alpha Maddox novel Chapter 24

Jayda's POV

Today we would be going to visit another pack, we were suppose to go there earlier but since Maddox and I were having problems he decided to go today.

I decided to really think about the situation with Jayson and my father before doing anything. I will probably talk to him soon but first I need to get my mind straight because right now I am having mixed emotions.

Jayson is an amazing kid and I am so happy he is my brother but the way he was born, how he cheated on my mom. And not just that, how his mate must've felt on having her soulmate going to another family every night while she had to sleep alone. I kind of feel for Karen, I don't know what I would do if Maddox ever did that to me.

So I just decided to have fun and enjoy the trip with Eli and Nikki while Maddox works his ass off.

So here I was packing a little bag since we were spending the next 2 says at the other pack. I i packed some shorts and jeans and some shirts. I wasn't going to bring something fancy for no reason. I could just wear shorts to the BBQ.

Suddenly My door swings open making me jump.

Ellie and Nikki walk in as if they own the place and lay down and Maddox and I's bed.

"Guys, you didn't even say hi to me" I say with a frown.

They both roll their eyes at me.

"Are you ready? Maddox is waiting in his office" Nikki says.

"Almost" I say going to the bathroom and getting my toothbrush.

"Well hurry up, my brother is not really patient and Alpha Byron's territory is like 5 hours away on car" Nikki says snuggling to my pillow.

It was 7am, we had woken up at 6 because Maddox wanted us to be there early.

I look towards Eli to see her already sleeping.

I sling my bag on my shoulder walk towards the door.

"C'mon, I am ready" I say with a yawn, grabbing a little blanket and walk out the door.

I hear Nikki shout at Eli to wake up and Then a loud thump, signaling that someone had fallen off the bed.

I ignore them and walk to Maddox office, I am too tired to pay attention to their antics.

I open the door without knocking making Maddox's eyes snap to the door with a glare. When he sees its me he rolls his eyes and laughs quietly.

"Are you sleepy?" He asks with a gentle smile and motions me to step closer.

I nod and walk towards him, as soon as I am at arms reach he grabs me and sits me on his lap, I maneuver myself in a way so he is cradling me, in some kind of fetus position while on his lap. I bury my face in the crook of his neck and close my eyes. I relax in his arms and was about to fall asleep when I hear loud voices from outside the door, seconds later the door opens and I see Nikki and Eli.

"Haven't you heard of knocking?" Maddox snaps and Nikki rolls her eyes.

"I am your sister, I don't need to knock" she says simply. Then adds "Did we ruin a moment?"

Maddox sighs and I hear him mutter something along the lines of "I should just kill everyone so They'll leave me alone" before he gently grabs hold of my waist and stands me up.

I rest my head against the wall and snuggle the blanket making Eli burst out laughing.

"Dude you are still sleepy?" Eli asks.

"Yeah, I didn't sleep a wink last night" I mutter remembering how I stayed up all night thinking about Jayson and My father. I think I am obsessing over the situation but I can't help it.

"Why couldn't you sleep?" Nikki asks.

I shrug "I was thinking about stuff"

"What stuff?" She presses.

I look at Maddox "Are we going to stay here talking or are we leaving?"


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