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Mates with Alpha Maddox novel Chapter 43

Maddox's POV

I stare at a sleeping Jayda beside me.

She looks so beautiful, and now she is carrying a baby.

Our baby.

I still can't believe I will be a father.

The silly grin has yet to leave my face even hours after she gave me the news.

This is definitely the happiest day of my life, I will finally start a family with Jayda.

Jayda stirs in her sleep and her eyes flutter open.

"Maddox" she mumbles.

"Yes?" I answer softly.

Jayda rubs her eyes tiredly "What time is it?"

"3:56am" I answer tracing lazy circles on her back.

She yawns "Come cuddle, I want to sleep"

"Okay" I say, wrapping my arms around her and kissing the top of her head.

"Let's sleep"


So what did you think.

Haha. JK! There's more.

Jayda's POV

I wake up Maddox's hands wrapped around my form.

I smile widely when I see that one of his arms is protectively around my stomach.

I carefully untangle his arms from around me and slowly walk to our bathroom and brush my teeth.

Poor Maddox must be exhausted, he went to sleep extremely late last night.

I decide to make him a good breakfast in bed.

I skip down the steps and finally get to the kitchen.

I decide to make him a tortilla with some bacon, toast and some coffee.

First I out two slices of bread in the toaster.

Then I take, the egg carton, green peppers, onions cheese, ham and bacon out if the fridge.

I take the cutting board and put it on the counter.

Grabbing a knife I start cutting the green peppers in little square pieces. I then start cutting the onions only to hiss a few seconds later when I cut my finger.

I walk to the since and start rinsing my finger, willing it to stop bleeding. It kind of stung thanks to the onions.

"What are you doing out of bed" Maddox asks with a frown as he walks down the stairs.

"I am making you breakfast" I answer, grabbing a paper towel and wrapping it around my finger.

Maddox sniffs the air and his eyes zero on my bleeding finger.

In seconds he is next to me "What happened?" He asks, his eyes worriedly scanning my finger.

I shrug "I was cutting some onions and I accidentally cut my finger but it's nothing serious"

"Nothing serious? It's bleeding!" Maddox exclaims, running his hands over his face.

Okay, he was freaking out.

"Maddox it's nothing. Its just a small cut" I say waving my finger in front of his face. It wasn't even bleeding that much.

Maddox scowls "What if it get's infected? It could harm the baby and-"

"Oh my gosh Maddox calm down. Nothing is wrong. I just need a bandaid or something. I promise you its alright" I say giving him a hug then wrapping my finger around in another paper towel.

"I'm going to get you a bandaid" Maddox huffs and goes upstairs.


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