After that embarrassing moment with Mr. Carter, I fed Grey and I put Henrique to sleep. After doing those things stayed in my room. I need not get myself into another awkward situation with the green eyed Devil. The more I stay in my room, the less I see him.
After taking a bath I made my way to Henrique's room where he was playing with some stuff animals in the paly pen. When he realize my presence, he smiles. I slightly bend to retrive him from the ground.
"Well aren't you lonely?" I couldn't beleive they left him by himself. I know it's my job to take care of him but I just arrived. They should at least let me get use to the thought of taking care of a child.
I put him on my side and we made our way down the stairs. Dinner will be served in a couple of minutes and I needed to be early. Ms. Wilson didn't like me already , imagine when she sees me coming in the room late.
I entered the dining room to see Mr. Carter was already there. I looked at the long dining table that was made for a big family. I didn't know where to sit, it is so huge. I spot Henrique baby seat close to Carter so I made my way over there. After placing him in the seat, I took a seat next to him. Ms. Wilson came out of the kitchen with a tray. She place the tray on the table and start aligning the plates. Afterwhich she place the plates in front of Carter, then Henrique then me. I knew the woman didn't like me, from the cold glares she send me. God! What did I do to deserves being hated by two persons I'm currently living with.
She placed a salad dish in front us. About ten minutes later when we were almost finish she came back with the main course, Chicken and rice. It was simple, something that I'd cook for myself if I was at home. But I'd never imagine a rich man eating normal people food. To be honest I taught we'd be eating roast fish with Lasagnas. I guess I was wrong. Ms. Wilson left a second time but this time she didn't come back. I saw Carter and the baby eating so I began eating too. I heard a loud growl. I looked him to see my dog beside another dog. The dog is light brown, a little lighter than Grey. She is beautiful. Beside her is Grey.
"Oh my god, Grey you made a friend already. Come here." My dog got up and the fluffy brown dog followed him. They stopped in front of me.
"So who's your friend?" I asked my dog. He started to lick my toes. It was ticklish so I let out a laugh. "Stop it, Grey." I giggled and he stopped when he heard the female dog growl. "She's your girlfriend. Ha, my baby has a girlfriend. What's her name?"
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