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Mistaken Identity novel Chapter 9

Ms. Wilson opens the door the room that was three doors away from the staircase. I followed her in the room, When we were both in she turn to me.

  "This is your room. Henrique is in the room beside this one. Neatly place your belongings in the closet, dinner is at seven. Is there anything you need to know?" she asked with annoyed look on her face, her wringles  showing. 

    "Yes, actually, I'd like to see Henrique." I answered. I needed to see why I agreeded to should a bizzare deal. Oh, yeah, If you didn't he'll make your life hell.

  "No, Ms. Bisson. He's taking a nap and he's not the easiest person to control when he's awake. As soon as he wakes you'll hear him." With that, Ms. Wilson exits my room.

I looked at the comfy bed which I will sleep in. I sighed In contentment. I walked over to it and sat on the edge. Oh, my the comforter was so soft. I smiled and closed my tired eyes.

I woke up to the sound of screaming. I quickly rubbed my eyes to see if i was dreaming but the screaming didn't stop. I got up and followed the noise. I landed on the door next to my room. I opened and saw a boy baby in a crib. He was standing with his hands on the borders. Henrique. I smiled and made my way to the baby.

I bent and picked him up. His face was teary. I use my fingers, wipe his eyes and rock him. "Shh.. baby. It's gonna be okay. Shh..everything is okay." I smiled as I saw the green eye beauty, took my hand in his and stopped crying. My heart melt. He's so sweet. How could Alliyah do such a thing to her child? He is so beautiful. His green eyes looking rather very simlar but I couldn't pin point in. Both Alliyah and I have grey eyes. His father, his brother. Of course, his evil brother shared the same eye color as he do.

"Food," he mumbled. I was startled when I heard him. How old is he?

"Oh, baby hungry?" I asked him.

He nod his head and put it in my shoulder. I exit his room and walk down the stairs. I looked around to where the stair ended I didn't know the next move to make. I heard noise from a corner of the house. I followed the noise and founded the kitchen. I saw Ms. Wilson washing the pots. I was about to call her but she sense our presence and turn around.

  "He's hungry." I told her. I didn't know what else to say. I've never taken care of a child before.

   "So feed him," I raised my brows and she continued. "His bottle is in the fridge, just warm it."

  "Okay, thanks." I said I turned but then remembered to ask his age. "How old is he?"

She shakes her head then say, "He's eighteen months old," she went back to her task.

I opened the fridge and took out one of the ready-made milk. I open the microwave and place the bottle in. I place it on 1 minutes. I took a seat behind the island.


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