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Mistaken Identity novel Chapter 23

"Grey, stop it." I laughed as Grey licked my toes.  Grey moved over to Henrique. He started to lick the infant all over his face. I giggled as I watched the two show a lot of affection for each other.

The doorbell rang and I rush to open the door, knowing Grey would not cause any harm to Henrique. I opened the door to see a brunette, she was beautiful and beside her was a man, he hand his hand around her waist so I figured he was her husband. I offered them a smile, a genuine one.

"Hi, how may I help you?"I asked politely.

"Who are you?" the woman asked in a mean tone. As she looked at me up and down with a disapproving look. I was in a snickers and big T-shirt and bare foot.

"I'm the one who should be asking you're the one at the door." I replied with a mean tone, the same one she gave me. Two can pay that game. Don't be mean to me if you expect me to be nice to you.

The man held out his hands and said, "You must be Ms. Bisson."

I look at him and shake his hands. "Yes, how may I help you?"

"Oh Gerald, I wasn't expecting for you to come so soon." I heard Alexander say behind me. "Ms. Bisson you can go back to Henrique now."

I turned to look at him but his face was emotionless so I turned back to the couple at the door. "Nice to meet you Gerald." I turned and walked back to living hall. So he start calling me Ms. Bisson in front of his friends okay. I know I shouldn't feel anything but I couldn't help to feel the pain.

I sat back on the ground, Henrique still playing with Grey but I lost my happiness. I sat there looking in to space until I heard something jump on me. I taught I was Grey but when I looked up I was looking at Cloudy. She now weighed a ton because she was pregnant. She started to lick my face. I yelp and start giggling.

"No. Please get off." I sat refusing to touch her because I didn't want to cause harm to her unborn pups. She released me but started to lick my hands. She sat up. I smiled at the dog. I lifted my hands and start rubbing her tummy as she continues licking me. I let out small giggles.


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