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Mistaken Identity novel Chapter 24

I sat up on the bed so I can hear what he was about to say. I don't need to hear his criticism or the criticisms of his friends.

"I don't need to hear all the criticism of you and your friends. I know I'm poor and guess what I don't need them to state the obvious." I said. I'm tired of being treated like an outcast because I'm poor.

"That's not what I'm here to tell you." He stated.

"Then why are you here. I'm not Henrique's mother."

"I know that you're not his mother."

"Then why?" I asked him. Why the hell does he think that can walk in my room without permission. "Why are you here? Why are you in my room? So you can judge me on.." before I can finish I felt lips on mine. Wait what Alexander was kissing me! And the worst part is I didn't push him away.

I opened my mouth to give him access. I closed my eyes just like the girls do in the movie and enjoyed the best kissed I've ever had. I kissed him back with the same eagerness he was kissing me with. I rapped one of my arms around his shoulder while the other hold his neck. He pulled around to get air. His emerald eyes staring in my grey ones with lust. He leaned his forehead on mine while we caught our breaths.

I pulled away from him, even though I didn't want to. I'm certain my cheeks were flush. No one's ever made me feel the way he just did. Kissing him, I felt electricity running through me. I felt butterflies in my stomach.

"Why did you do that?" I asked as I turned my head away from him, afraid that he might regret the kiss and give me a answer I didn't want to hear.


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