I had my lunch at a coffee shop at the corner of the road, Twinkle. The place sell the second best coffee in thw square and the best of best pastries. What I love about Twinkle, they weren't very expensive because the competition they have with similar stores. They had to price reasonable or else they would lose all their costumers amd would also lose they're business.Keeping the price low were the best solution.
I came back from lunch to find out from Larry, 'the mail boy' that Mr. Ryan wanted to speak to me.
In the movies when your boss wants to speak to you it was never something good. I knew something bad was going to happen. I could sense trouble. But my mind linger on what could i possibly do wring from Mr. Ryan to ask Larry to seek me. He knew I always come back on lunch on time.
I walked to the elevator contemplating what i did wrong since week. He had ask me to deliver some files to Dale's Corp. Although he told me to give Mr. Dale directly I didn't. Mr. Dale was in a meeting so i felt the file with his secretary instead. That was onky thing I think of that I didn't do as told.
I sigh when the elevator doors open, not bothering to go to my deak, I went straight to Mr. Ryan's office. After knocking on his door, I heard his deep voice say, "Come in." I flinch and enter.
I saw a man with dark, silky hair. He was facing my boss but turn as soon as I was completely in the office with the door closed behind me.
I couldn't help but stare at him behind my glasses. He wouldn't know unless he was staring at me too.
One phrase to describe him. Sexy Beast.
This dude was Apollo himself. He had handsome written all over. His dark brown hair was neatly shaved. His cheeks bones well define and his eyes, his eye are the most beautiful pair of green obs, I've ever seen. It was not light green, it was similar to the color of a Caribbean beach, aqua or maybe emerald I am too far away to determine exactly what color it was.
Beautiful eyes.
I shake my head slightly then turn my gaze to my boss. Anger was evident in his eyes.
"Ms. Bisson. I think it's time for you to pack your bags and leave this company. You're fired." Mr. Ryan said.
"What!" I choked out, "What did I do? I've being a good assistant- secretary. I've done everything for you and Sarah gave me to do. Mr. Ryan you can't do this to be. I need this job." I was now directly in front of his desk, I was trying hard not to cry. I need this job it is my mines of survival. Even if it meant I am to beg, I will.
"Ms. Bisson, I can't have a woman who abandons her child working for me. I believe a child needs his/her parent when growing up and I .."
I cut him off with my shout, "What?" I laughed and continued.
"Mr. Ryan you've must be mistaken. I've never given birth to a child before, hell I've never being pregnant. I don't even have a boyfriend," I am, after all, a virgin.
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