I sat in silence around the café table. The environment around me was tense. My stalker was sitting in front of me and he hasn't open his mouth since we sat. This was weird, why the hell would he want to talk me after he just literally ruin my life.
"Are you.." I was interrupt when the waiter came at the table.
"My I take your orders?" He asked in a polite manner, I looked up at him and gave him a friendly smile.
"Hey, Richard. I'd like a dark coffee please."
"One black coffee coming up," he smiled at me before turning to my stalker at said, "And you sir, what may I get you?"
"A coffee with cream." My stalker answered.
Of course, he was one of those coffee with cream guys, not that I didn't like it but it was more expensive. I sat and starred at my stalker. Then I finally put up the courage to speak.
"Are you.."
"What kind.."
We spoke spontaneously.
"You go first after all you brought me here, there must be a reasonable explanation for you making me lose my job." I said still looking at my stalker.
"Ms. Bisson, what kind of woman are you? Do you just sleep with man, get pregnant and leave the child? Ugh?" my stalker said. I looked at him with raised brows but didn't comment. I stay silent and he realizes this and continued. "Why did you leave the child at my office?"
Now that got my attention. "What?" I shouted too loud. I received looks from persons around me and I held my head down in shame. That looked up back at him and whispered. "What are you talking about? I've never seen you in my whole twenty six years of my life only yesterday when you were stalking me and today I saw you. So dude you have the wrong person. Try and look somewhere else for your baby mother , because I'm not her." I remember he calling me Alliyah. He was probably mistaken me for her. What a fool! He doesn't know who he spelt with.
"I didn't say you were."
"What?" I was too confused to even response to what he said.
"You didn't get pregnant by me, I'm not that careless. I'm not careless enough to have unprotected sex with gold-diggers like yourself. The child's my father's." He said in a shape note.
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