Kalliyah's POV
"Wow, you guys are finally here, I thought something happened to you." Alliyah said in a somewhat sarcastic manner.
"Well, when you're enjoying yourself time flies." Alex said beside me, his hands around my waist protectively.
"Since you guys are finally here we can now have some fun. I think we should go in the mirror room first." Luke suggested. He is wearing a blue T-shirt and a slightly ripped jeans, he looked like a model but my man looked better. Alex is wearing a V-neck T-shit that made his muscles show along with a jeans plants.
"You guys can go to the mirror room, Kally and I will go on the bumper cars." Ally said. I looked at her and smile.
"No," Alex said sternly. I turn to look at him with my eyebrows raised.
"Why not?" I asked.
He looked at me and his features soften, "Because I don't want to let you out of my sight." He reached for my hand and enlaced it with his.
"Oh, come on man, let the ladies do and enjoy themselves. I don't think they can handle the rides I'm planning on going on. I plan on going on the Drop Tower, The Evolution and The fireball." Luke sounded like a teenage boy. He also behaved like one. It's so hard for me to believe that he's actually a Best Selling Author.
"What's the Drop Tower?" I asked Luke. He placed his hands on my back and turn me around to the games, he pointed at a tall tower in the sky, the persons that we in it we speaking, some looked like their going call. I swallowed. I don't want to go in that.
I turn to look at Alex, "I don't want to go in that Alex."
"Yeah, Alex, I want to have a some sister time with my sister. Ever since she's being out of the hospital, you've had her under your arms like she's an hostage. It's my time now." I smiled at my sister's words.
Alex sigh, "Fine but meet us here in two hours."
"Thank you." I smile then got on my tippy toes and kiss him on his cheeks.
He blush and kiss me on my forehead. "I love you, be safe."
I smiled at his words and assurance. I tipped until my lips were at his ears. "I will." I assured him slowly.
My heart in my hands.
Alex is such a wonderful man, I couldn't help myself, I've fallen for him over this small period of time. Even if I don't remember my past, I can still make way for my future, A future with the man I love. A future with the man that loves me.
I moved away from him and went closer to my sister. "I will be find. Go and have some bromance."
"Yes, that's exactly what we will be doing." Luke grinned.
"Great, let's go. Bye babes, love yah!" Ally said that grabbed my hands and pull me away.
"Love you too." Luke shouted after my sister.
I smiled at their relationship. They didn't give a damn where they were, they weren't afraid of Public affections. I like that. They were complete opposites from Alex and I. This morning we were so embarrassed we left the building but I did enjoy the romantic moment we share together.
"You and Luke look so cute together."
She turns to smile and me. "So do you and Alex. You look like love puppies."
"We do,"
"Uhmm, yeah, you guys are look like leeches." Alliyah grabbed my hands and enlaced it in hers. I smiled at her gesture.
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