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Mistaken Identity novel Chapter 62

Kalliyah POV

After seconds of fighting to open my eyes, they opened. I looked at the surrounding, the place was dirty, broken tiles, rubbish all over the place. My heart rate increase when my eyes saw a man on a chair looking at me with his hands behind his neck, he looked amused.

"So you're finally awake. Good, the boss wants you to get ready. Can't have you smelling like that to meet him." he got up from his chair and went to pick up a bag of the ground. He walked to me and handed me the bag. "This is for you, all the things you need is in there. Hurry up and bathe, it's six o'clock, you've kept the boss waiting long enough."

He dragged me from the chair and pulled me to a tiny room which is to be the bathroom. He closed the door behind him. It was not as dirty as the room but it was still disgusting. The tiles are dirty and morass on them. I felt like I wanted to vomit right away. I looked around in bathroom for a way to escape, but failed. The walls were blocked, they were no windows, do vents, no way to escape.

I felt the first tear fell from my eyes, what's going to happen to me? I start sobbing loudly.

"Hey, no crying. Hurry up before I come in there and bathe you myself." My kidnapper said. He scares me, not only he had a gun but his unshaven beard, so unattractive. He looked like a killer, which reminds me, he probably is. Who kidnaps someone in front of hundreds of people? How did no one realize him taking me away? Why did he want me?

I entered the shower and turn on the pipe. Immediately ice-cold water start running and there wasn't any heater, could this day get any worse?

I don't think so.

I let the tears fall as I tried hard to bathe with the old water, my body shivering under the water. I started to cry louder, he wouldn't hear me with all this water flowing.

Someone please save me.

Alex where are you?

Are you looking for me?

"Please rescue me, Alex. I love you." I whispered between sops. If only he could hear my cries.

After I showed I took out the long dress that was in the bag. It is beautiful, red in color. I put it on. I don't know what else to do. I don't want to die so I'll have to obey his commands. I don't want to die not telling Alex how much he means to me. Although it's a little too late for that. Here I am, in a abandon apartment, or at least it looks abandon like no one has lives here in over two months.

I came out of the bathroom and saw my kidnapper looking at his phone texting. I cleared my throat to get his attention. He was shocked at the sight of me and smiled.

"Now, I see why the boss wants you. You're a gem." I felt slightly disgusted at him words, Who is the boss and what does he want from me?


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