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Mistress novel Chapter 14

Warning - Violence scene ahead. Read at your own risk.

Meher's p.o.v

I looked at her with my bewildered eyes and she yelled loudly," You pathetic whore! How dare you to sleep with my fiancee!"

Hearing her I became shocked. She came to know about all this. What will happen now? She will surely remove me from his life.

Adeel bhai is still in jail. Asif is in hospital. What if he stopped helping me? Where will I go? What will happen to my brothers? What will happen to our company? What will happen to my studies?

"Hey, Allah. Please, save me," I mentally prayed.

Before I could overcome the shock and impact of her slap she clutched my hair tightly and stood me up. She is pulling my hairs so tightly like my hairs will come out from my skull any time. I am hissing in pain and my eyes are already watery.

" Tell me whore. How much money do you want? You are doing all this for money, right?," She asked me angrily.

I said holding her wrist to free my hairs," Sajal Ji. Try to understand. Everything is very complicated. Please, leave my hairs."

She left my hairs and slapped me again on my cheek. I am sure my cheeks are bruised now.

She choked my neck and said angrily," Badchalan ladki(characterless girl). You know my name then you must know that Sehreyar was already engaged with me. Didn't you feel any shame before spreading your legs in front of an engaged man? Tell me."

" Sajal.....ji.....try to understand...I didn't....do..anything....willingly.....I was..helpless," I said with too much difficulty as my oxygen supply is cutting.

She left me and started yelling on me like a madwoman. I took a heavy breath and coughed a few times.

I looked at her with my teary eyes and found some fresh tears in her eyes. The other 5 women started consoling her. Maybe they are her friends.

I can't blame Sajal Seikh. Any woman will react the same way when she will come to know that her fiancee is cheating behind her back. But, I didn't do anything willingly.

Sajal Ji looked at me with full rage and said to her friends," Grab this whore. I should teach her some good lesson so that she never dare to sleep with another woman's man."

Before I could say or do anything two of the woman's hold me tightly. I started wriggling and crying. I am sure she will do something bad with me.

I said with my trembling voice," Sajal Ji. It was your fiancee who made me his mistress taking advantage of my helpless situation. I didn't do anything. Please, don't hurt me."

Hearing me, she started laughing like a psycho. She holds my chin and asked angrily," Helpless situation. Huh! Let's hear your helpless situation."

I said her everything. I said to her about my brothers and how I became Sehreyar Al Seikh's mistress.

I know he strictly prohibited me to not tell anything about us to anyone. Right now, I am so scared that I spilt every truth. Moreover, Sajal can't blame me without knowing everything properly. That's why I told her everything.

" I know girls like you very well. For the money, you can sleep with anyone. After being caught red-handed you are making stories to gain sympathy! Shitty actress," Sajal screamed on my face and punched on my face.

This time I felt like my nose are bleeding.

Then, she said holding my chin," You used your this slutty face and body to catch Sehreyar's attention. Right? Wait and watch what I do to your face and body."

I looked at her with my horrified and teary eyes. I pleaded again," Sajal Ji. I didn't make any stories. I told you the truth. Let me go. Please, don't hurt me."

She didn't say anything. She continuously punched my face. I am sure my whole face is now completely bruised. My nose and lips are bleeding. Because of her hard punches, I started feeling dizzy.

That two women left my arms and I fall on the floor like a rag doll. I am now crying on the floor and cursing my destiny. What's my fault! If I die then I will be happy. I will not have to tolerate all this humiliation anymore.

I tried to say something but couldn't. My face is so bruised that I am not being able to talk. I felt like she has dislocated my jaw.

After beating me too much she isn't satisfied. She said to her friends," Kick this whores body until it becomes ugly. It's her punishment for sharing this slutty body with my fiancee."

I tried to escape from these bunch of madwoman. Before I could run one of them push me hard and I again fall on the floor. They started kicking me mercilessly.

One of them kicked me on my waist and another one kicked me on my stomach. They are kicking my whole body like I am any kind of object who has no feelings. My crying and begging didn't reach their ears.

I saw the maid is requesting them to not hurt me but they didn't listen. They continued their torture on me.

I am now coughing blood and feeling that my ribs might be broken. My whole body is paining so much. I have lost my words and strength too. I am now crawling on the floor and trying to stand up.

Sajal isn't satisfied yet. She holds my hair and started dragging me out of the house when I am still in my lying position. Her dragging is making my body's condition worse.

I said sobbing," Have some mercy. Ah....please. Let me go."

She dragged me to the street and throw me like any kind of trash. Her friends also followed her. The security guard tried to say something but seeing her he didn't dare to open his mouth. I am sure he also knows about Sajal's position in Sehreyar's life. That's why he let her enter the house.

Seeing all this drama, people started gathering around. They are looking at us with their curious eyes.

Sajal asked the people pointing her finger at me," This girl is sleeping with my fiancee behind my back for money. What should be done with this whore?"

She also said many dirty things about me. I heard people murmuring voice and saw some of them is taking photos and videos.

I uttered with great difficulty," I am innocent. I was helpless."

Suddenly, someone yelled," Kill her by throwing stones on her. She doesn't deserve to live in this society. "

" This type of shameless girls needs to be punished severely. They are like cancer for our society," Another one said.

Everyone is calling me slut and whore. They are humiliating me. After this moment, how I will show my face in society.

Suddenly, Sajal said to her friends," Let's make her naked and show her slutty body to everyone. After this humiliation, she will think  thousand times before sleeping with someone's fiancee."

This time I felt like my soul has left my body. They are going to make me naked in front of everyone and humiliate me. No, this can't happen. After this moment, I will not be able to breathe.


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