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Mistress novel Chapter 20

Author's p.o.v

Sehreyar said with his deep voice, "Don't you dare to become pregnant with my child. I will never accept that baby."

" Why? The baby will be yours as well. Then, why you can't accept him/her?" Meher asked biting her lips to control the tears.

She is looking at him with a hurtful expression. She is very eager to know why he will hate his own child.

Sehreyar stood up and replied lighting a cigarette," Because of the baby's mother. I will never let a whore carry my child and give birth."

Sehreyar intentionally insulted Meher thinking about Haniya. Adeel did the same thing with Sehreyar's sister. Adeel didn't accept his own child and killed it with his own hands.

Meher looked at Sehreyar and found that he is smoking a cigarette and looking a little bit angry thinking about something. She doesn't know why is he angry now.

Meher felt some unwanted tears in her eyes hearing Sehreyar's stern reply. She is still on the bed. She is lying with a heavy heart wrapping a quilt around her body.

Meher angrily said with a heavy heart," I am not a whore. I am sleeping with you unwillingly."

Sehreyar heard her and said laughing," You are a whore. You are warming my bed every day. And it's a reality. Fucker Adeel Ahmed's sister is a whore."

" You can say whatever you wanted to say about me. But, don't you dare to bring my brother in all this," Meher replied angrily.

She can't tolerate if anyone says anything about her brother. Meher is very sensitive when it comes to Adeel and Asif. Specifically, she is too much sensitive to Adeel. After her parent's death, Adeel has raised her not like a brother. He has raised her like a father by giving her all the love and care.

Hearing her, Sehreyar started laughing like she has said any kind of joke. He is taunting her by his laughter.

He again hovered over her and asked her caressing her cheeks," What will you do, whore? Apart from crying, what more you can do? You don't have the position to say anything against me. You know what your place is under my shoes like trash where I am crushing you every day."

Meher closed her eyes due to pain in her heart after hearing his insulting words. His words felt like someone has stabbed her heart repeatedly with a knife. She clutched the bedsheet tightly to suppress her sadness, anger and frustration.

Sehreyar chuckled seeing her reaction. Then, he pecked her lips and stood up from his hovered position. He started wearing his clothes so casually ignoring the fact that Meher is crying on the bed. He intentionally insulted her.

" Sajal is waiting for me. I promised her that we will have dinner together. But, I am wasting my time with a whore. I shouldn't make her wait like that," Sehreyar said dramatically to insult Meher more.

He told all this to hurt Meher. Recently, he has understood one thing that his fiancee matter always bothers Meher a lot. And, he has taken advantage of this matter.

Meher didn't reply to his sarcasm. She is just crying without making any noise. Meher can tolerate the physical pain which he always gave her but his taunting words always hurt her a lot.

" Why do you hate me so much? Meher asked with her trembling voice.

Sehreyar replied wearing his shoes," I just hate Adeel and hate everything related to him."

Meher is tired of hearing this same hatred thing. She asked him angrily," What my brother has ever done to you that you hate him so much?"

Sehreyar was silent for a few moments like he is remembering something.

Then he started saying with a cold voice," I used to have a very good relationship with your father Mr Akram Ahmed Khan. He was a very good and humble person. He used to consider me as his own son. Our good relationship was destroyed by your arrogant brother Adeel Ahmed Khan when he became the CEO of your father's company after your father's death. Your brother's arrogance and ego destroyed everything. After meeting him I couldn't believe he is Akram Ahmed Khan's son. I was his senior in the business sector. He started putting his legs in our joined business without asking my opinion. I have to terminate my various project because of your stupid brother. I lost billions because of your brother's stupidity."

After listening to Sehreyar, Meher's eyes get widened. She couldn't believe her brother and Sehreyar used to do business together.

Then, Meher asked him curiously," I understood that my brother and you had problems about some business issue. But, What my brother has done to your sister Haniya Seikh?"

No sooner had she took Haniya's name, Sehreyar marched towards Meher like a raging bull. Meher got scared looking at his angry face. She clutched the bedsheet tightly.

Sehreyar lifted her face by holding her chin tightly. He said anger dripping from his voice," Your brother's enmity was with me. He hated me. He was jealous of my success. He was so jealous of my success that he didn't think twice before bringing my sister between our rivalry."

Meher is just looking at his angry face with her horrified eyes.

After that, Sehreyar jerked off Meher's face to another direction and Meher didn't say anything further. She has seen genuine hatred in Sehreyar's eyes for Adeel.  She is now understanding that her brother is not completely innocent. He is also at fault about some reason. Still, her innocent heart couldn't believe that her brother can do any kind of crime.

Sehreyar is now ready to leave the room when Meher asked him," So, you are taking revenge from me because of my brother?"

Her voice is unusually calm. But, it's clear that she is too much hurt.

Sehreyar didn't turn at her. He replied with a blank tone," Ask this question to your brother that why he used my innocent sister to take revenge on me?"

Saying that Sehreyar left the room leaving behind a sad and broken Meher. She is too much hurt about everything.

But, something is roaming inside her head. She is now doubting all those incident which happened 7 months ago.

Asif's accident, Adeel's arrest, her company being bankrupted and the income tax problem. Everything happened at a time. Meher's life became upside down just in one night.


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