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Mistress novel Chapter 26

Meher's p.o.v

" Is this what I have taught you? What kind of design is this?" I heard my mentor is yelling on one of my fellow interns.

I don't know why this man is always so angry. He is too rude and rough. There is no sweetness in his voice and words. He humiliates us very badly if we do a single mistake. After Sehreyar Al Seikh I have seen this man too much rude.

Oh! Allah! I again compared another man with Sehreyar Al Seikh. I don't know why I always compare every man with Sehreyar Al Seikh. I still can't forget that man.

Well, let me introduce you to my grumpy and rude Mentor aka my boss. He is Mr Rehaan Al Qureshi. One of the greatest Architect in the whole of India. He is a 33-year-old rude and grumpy man.

I am doing my internship under him. I have studied so hard just to get the chance of doing my internship under him. He is the best in the Architecture sector.

"If you submit this to any company then they will reject it just looking at the cover! Total rubbish! Make it properly and then come to me. Get lost now," I heard Mr Rehaan's yelling voice.

After some time I heard him calling my name. I gulped down my saliva because of nervousness and entered into his room.

I said politely," Good morning, Sir."

And as usual, he didn't reply and I just rolled my eyes. How rude! He glared at me very awkwardly.

He asked me with his deep voice," Where is your design? Show me."

I placed my design in front of him on the table and he started checking everything with his scrutinising eyes.

He gestured me to sit and I obliged him.

He is checking my design where I am checking him. He is a good looking person and I can't deny this fact. Specifically, his ocean blue eyes are really captivating. They are hypnotising.

" You are checking out your teacher! Huh! You have become a pervert," My subconscious mocked me and I diverted my gaze at another direction.

I mentally thought," He is handsome but not more than Sehre..........

Oh! Allah. I again compared my boss with Sehreyar Al Seikh. I am sure I am having problem in my head. Why can't I just forget that man?

I am busy scolding myself for remembering Sehreyar Al Seikh when my boss asked me knitting his brows," What's this thing you have drew? Can you explain it? It's looking interesting."

Saying that he pointed his finger at the middle of my design.

I stood up and leaned a little to help him to understand the whole design. I started explaining the design.

I was so engrossed in my explanation that I didn't notice when my dupatta has fallen on my shoulder and some of my hairs are now falling on the design paper.

Before I could remove my hairs from the design paper my boss yelled loudly," Ms Meher, are you trying to seduce me?"

" Excuse me? I asked him raising my one brow.

He stood up and said angrily," Are you trying to seduce me by showing me your hairs? Then, let me tell you that I am not interested in you."

When did I try to seduce him? What the hell is he saying? Is he insane or have some serious problem inside his head!

I asked him with my cold voice," Sir, I think you are quite mistaken. Why would I try to seduce you?"

" I know girls like you. Seeing a handsome and rich guy you couldn't control yourself and started seducing me. You sl.  ........He couldn't complete his saying when I showed him my palm indicating him to stop his false accusations.

I snapped at him," I am your student. That doesn't mean you can say whatever you want to say about me."

" What do you think of yourself? Huh! Characterless girl! You are talking against me. I can expel you right now," He said clenching his jaw.

This time I couldn't control myself anymore and replied angrily," Then, expel me. I will not continue my internship here. You might be my teacher but you don't have the right to talk about my character."

He was going to open his mouth again when I again said with my cold voice," And don't assume anything so fast. You are such an honourable person. This type of act doesn't suit you."

Saying that I came out of his room closing the door angrily. I don't care he will expel me or not.

I return to the place where my fellow interns are doing their job. All of them gave me an uncomfortable and suspicious look.

One of my friends asked me lowering her voice," What happened? Did the boss scold you also?"

" He didn't scold me. He accused me of seducing him. Jerk! I replied angrily.

My friend became surprised and said," Seduce! And you! I am sure he has lost his mind."

" Indeed," I replied and sat on the desk.

We are now discussing the new designs of an auditorium when we heard our Boss's roaring sound.

I heard him saying," Attention everyone."

We all stood up to show him respect. I just rolled my eyes. I should have slapped him hard for accusing me of seducing.

" After two weeks there will be a business meeting. In that meeting, I will launch one of you as an architect. I want you all to give the best design of yours in that meeting. Understood? He informed us and glared at me.

We all nodded our head in positive and he again said rudely," My PA will tell you everything about the design's requirements."

Saying that he started coming towards me and I am just seeing his behaviour with my suspicious eyes.

I thought that he will scold me or expel me for talking back with him. But, to my utter surprise, he didn't say anything.

He just glared at my face with some emotions which I didn't understand. His ocean blue eyes travelled my whole face like he is searching for something.

After that, he left the place without uttering any words. I didn't understand his behaviour. Why he looked at me like that!

Sehreyar's p.o.v


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