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Mistress novel Chapter 40

Meher's p.o.v

He chuckled hearing me and whispered dangerously inhaling my scent," Oh really! My little tigress. You have gotten so much courage over the years that you are disrespecting me. Hmm! I will punish you for your disobedience on our wedding night. So, be prepared and do as I say otherwise, you will not hear your son's innocent voice again."

" Don't you dare to touch my son. Let me see my son. Give back my son," I snapped at him trying to free myself from his hold.

He replied smirking," If you want your son alive then get ready for Nikah(wedding). If you don't listen to me then I will make sure you never see your son's face again."

I am looking at the devil angrily when he took out his phone from his pocket and showed me some pictures of Mehrab. I saw that my little munchkin is lying on a bed like a lifeless body and his eyes are closed.

" Mera baccha(my child), I whispered touching the photos and tears blurred my vision.

I asked the devil angrily," What have you done to my son?"

" Oh my little love, I haven't done anything yet. If you deny to marry me then I will obviously do something which will cost you a lot," He replied dangerously caressing my cheeks.

Panicked rushed through my whole system and I felt like someone is snatching my life. He threatened me to kill my son. Is he even human? Does he have any idea that the child is also his? Should I tell him the truth? Will he stop then? I don't know. No, he will not stop rather he will find another way to bind me with him.

I never imagine in my whole life that just to control me and quench his lust for my body he will step so low. Tears were already blurring my vision and now they have started flowing like a never-ending stream.

" Please, don't do anything to my son," I pleaded joining my hands in front of him.

He pulled me closer to him and said caressing my lips," I will not do anything to that poor boy if you agreed to marry me."

" Please, I can't," I said closing my eyes trying to control my tears.

He grabbed my chin and said dangerously almost brushing his lips with mine," That poor boy is going to die because of his stubborn mother."

Saying that he jerked me off and I landed on the floor like a rag doll. I hissed in utter pain when my knee landed on the floor because of the sudden impact.

He is going to leave the room when I yelled loudly," I will marry you. Please, don't do anything to my son."

I closed my eyes due to pain inside my chest while I said the words. I again failed to protect myself. I am again blackmailed by him. He won again. The devil won again. I used to have some feelings for him but after seeing his behaviour I think I was a stupid to have some feelings for him.

Hearing me, he halted and turned his face towards me. He asked me raising his one brow," Are you sure? Are you ready to become Mrs Meher Sehreyar Al Seikh?"

" I am ready," I said with great difficulty and clutched the hem of my dress to control my emotions and tears. His name attached to mine is disgusting for me. But, I will do anything to save my son. For my son's safety even I am ready to give my life.

He came forward and stood up in front of me towering my defeated self. I am just looking at the floor with my teary eyes. With an abrupt turn, he stood me up on my feet holding my forearm.

He nuzzled his nose on my neck and said with his husky voice," Good girl, my love. You chose wisely."

I turned my face in another direction to avoid his strong cologne which is reaching at my nostrils and making my whole system filled with disgust and loathing for him.

" Let me see my son," I demanded with my trembling voice and bitten my lips to control my tears.

He clutched my jaw and looked at me with some emotions which I didn't understand. His eyes are roaming on my whole face and I didn't meet his eyes.

He replied softly," You can meet him after our Nikah. He is safe and sound. Beauticians will be here in a minute. Get ready to be mine."

After that, he pecked my lips softly and I didn't react. He left the room closing it with a thud sound. I jumped a little bit hearing the noise.

I yelled with total frustration and started sobbing. I am again helpless in front of him. I am hating myself for being helpless.

"Why Allah! Why? Every time he wins. Why are you doing all this to me? I asked looking at the ceiling but found no response.

That devil is going to control me again. Once I am married to him then what will happen? Will he respect me or he will humiliate me like before?

" Is this my Destiny!" I uttered angrily fisting my palm to suppress my anger and vulnerability.

I don't know what will be in future but for now, I need to save my son. I will do my best to keep my son safe.

After some hours

" Mam, your skin is very delicate and soft," One of the beauticians said while applying the henna on my hands.

The beautician is also an Indian and I don't know from where that devil found an Indian beautician in Spain.

Hearing her, I just kept my mouth shut. My whole mind is occupied by my son and I am not clearly concentrating what's the beautician is saying.

I am too much anxious for my son. Is he fine? Did he eat? What's he doing? Is he crying for me? What's that devil doing with my son? Is he scared?

These questions are roaming inside my head and the tension is arising inside me with every passing time.

" Mam, the colour of henna on your hands are too dark. That means sir loves you a lot," The beautician said and I lost the control of my anger.

I said to her being annoyed," Can't you just do your job silently?"

She looked at me with her widening eyes but said nothing. She just nodded her head and concentrate on her job.

After some time I am now ready like a perfect bride. My whole body is dolled up with heavy jewellery and a blood-red colour lehenga. Obviously, I am looking beautiful but there is no charm, no spark in my eyes face and eyes.

" You are looking gorgeous," The beautician complimented me and I just ignored her again.

I am still looking at my dolled up reflection when a maid entered into the room and said politely," Mam, Sehreyar sir has ordered me to take you to the living room area."

" Is my son with him? Did you see any little boy with your Sehreyar Sir? I asked with too much hope and stood up hurriedly.

She replied," Yes, Mam. I have seen Sir with a little boy. I saw the boy in Sir's lap. The boy is continuously talking about his mamma."

" Let's go," I said impatiently and almost run towards the living room area. I can't wait to meet my son. I can't wait to hold him in my embrace again.

Sehreyar's p.o.v

"Ehh.......Umm.......mujhe mamma ke pass jana hey(I want to go to Mamma). You are a bad giant. Let me go," Mehrab said crying loudly while I am trying my best to control him.

I said patting his head trying very hard to console him," I will give you many chocolates and candies. Don't cry. Aren't you a good boy?"

" Mamma......my mamma......where is she?" He asked and started wriggling in my arms.

I am becoming pissed off but I can't scold him. He is just a little boy. It's normal for him to get panicked without his mother. Moreover, he is afraid of me. After all, he has seen me always angry and scolding his mother. My anger is really something. It always fucked up everything. I shouldn't have act violently in front of him.

I said smilingly wiping his tears," Your mamma is getting ready. She will be here after some time. Don't cry, baccha(kiddo)".

" Why is she getting ready? Is she going somewhere without me?" He asked me curiously with a fearful expression and clutched my shirt tightly.

I replied pulling his chubby cheeks," She is getting ready so that she can marry me. She isn't going anywhere without you. Do you know who am I to you?"

" Who?" He asked me fixing his innocent eyes on me. His every feature is like Meher. Both mother and son look very similar.

Same innocent eyes, pouty lips, honey brown colour hairs and pointed nose. He has only gotten a mole over his upper lip from me. He is the most cutest kid I have ever seen in my life.

Yes, I know that Mehrab is my son. He is my blood. I was in cloud nine when I came to know that Mehrab is my son. I was very happy after hearing about his identity.

Flashback(The day of gunshot)

I am lying on the floor with severe pain in my head because of the impact which Meher gave me on my head. She thought that I am unconscious but it was her misconception. I am still in my senses and trying to get up.

She entered into another room with that little bastard to treat his wounds.

I am fuming in rage only thinking that she has slept with another man. This thought is making me lose my sanity. I am so angry with her which I can't describe in words. How dare she sleep with another man! She just forgets that she belongs to me. Her everything belongs to me.

I didn't touch another woman after her because she is the only one I have ever loved and slept. But, this shameless girl has slept with another man and have a baby with that fucker.

I am whimpering in pain and trying to get up when my phone started ringing. I wasn't in the state to receive it but seeing the caller id I received it and said hello with great difficulty. It's none other than my detective Ahsan.


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