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Mistress novel Chapter 46

After twenty days

Author's p.o.v

It's been twenty days since Sehreyar has locked up Meher inside a dark room. The room has become a hell for Meher. She is suffocating in the room like a caged bird.

The room is very creepy without any window. It has just a small ventilator for the air system and a washroom for the natural activities of Meher. The only source of light in this room is a small yellow light. It's more like a prison for Meher.

Sehreyar didn't remove the chain from Meher's feet. She has to move with this heavy chain. Her one ankle is bruised as the chain got tightened whenever she moved or tried to remove it. Her conditions are getting worsen day by day.

In these 20 days, Sehreyar didn't touch Meher sexually nor he abused her physically. He has given her the proper amount of food and clothing.  He was true to his words. He didn't torture her physically but he tortured her mentally.

Sehreyar didn't let Meher meet Mehrab. He also ordered the maids to not talk with Meher. He has isolated her from the world. He is determined to have her submission.

In these 20 days, Meher has cried for Mehrab like a madwoman. Her beautiful eyes were always teary for her son, for her freedom.  She has hurt her soft hands while banging on the door harshly. She has hurt her throat while screaming to see her son for once. Meher was given the proper amount of food still lost her weight because of anxiety and stress. She couldn't eat properly nor she could sleep. Everyday Sehreyar would come and ask that she has accepted him or not. And every time he got no from her and continued his mental torture on her.

On the other hand, Mehrab has cried numerous times for his mother. For a little child like him, mother's care and love is everything. He has missed his mamma so much. The first few days he almost stopped eating and continued crying day and night. Sehreyar became a stone-hearted person and didn't let the mother and son meet each other.

But, slowly Mehrab got habituated without his mother and came close to Sehreyar. Sehreyar has tried his best to take care of Mehrab. He took him to Disney lands and gave him everything that Mehrab wanted. Their bond has become stronger in these days. Whenever Mehrab asked Sehreyar about Meher, he only told Mehrab that his mother is being punished for disobedience. Mehrab didn't understand anything and continued yarning for his mother. He missed his mother's warm embrace too much.

Right now, Meher is sitting on the bed hugging her knees. Her hairs are messy, dark circles are prominent under her eyes, she has lost her weight as well. Moreover, she is really looking like a prisoner.

She is looking at the wall having a blank expression on her face. There is no tears, no emotion, no agony on her face. She is just staring at the wall like it's the most interesting place to see. Maybe, she is looking at the wall but something is roaming inside her head. She is thinking about something deeply and fisting the bedsheet tightly. She fisted her palm tightly that her knuckles turned white.

Her trails of thoughts are cut when she heard a click sound and the room's door burst opened. She looked at the door and found that Sehreyar has entered having a questioning look on his face.

He came forward and sat beside Meher. She just looked at him with her void dead eyes. He caressed her rosy cheeks and opened his mouth to ask the same question which he was asking for twenty days.

Before he could utter any words, Meher hugged him tightly and cried out loudly. She is crying very badly like it's someone's funeral. Yes, it's her soul's funeral. She accepted her fate that she is trapped with Sehreyar forever. She has accepted the reality that Sehreyar will never leave her alone until she dies. She has surrended herself to Sehreyar and she knew that there is no going back.

Sehreyar became startled by her actions. He felt very hurt seeing her tears. He hugged her back and said stroking her hairs," What happened love? Are you ok?

" I am sorry for my behaviour with you. I am sorry. I have understood how much you love me," Meher said soaking Sehreyar's shirt with her tears.

Sehreyar cupped her face in his palm gently and asked," Are you accepting me as your husband?"

" Yes, I accepted our relationship. I was stupid to not understand your love. But, it's not late yet. We can start afresh," Meher replied giving Sehreyar an innocent look.

Sehreyar's heart melted seeing Meher's innocent face. He wiped her tears gently and kissed her both eyes.

Then, he apologised saying," I am also sorry, love. I never wanted to act harshly with you. But, the situation was very difficult and you were acting stubbornly."

" I am sorry for my stubbornness. I love you, Sehreyar. I love you," Meher confessed and hugged him tightly.

Hearing Meher's words, Sehreyar felt like after so many days he is feeling some peace. He always wanted to hear this from Meher and finally, he heard it. He is now successful in having Meher fully.

" Say again, love. Say again that you love me," Sehreyar said squeezing Meher in his embrace. He missed her body warmth so much. He missed her whole existence too much.

Meher replied with her emotional voice," I love you, Sehreyar. I love you with my whole heart. I was stupid to ignore your genuine love for me."

" I love you too, my heart...my everything," Sehreyar said and started kissing Meher's pink petals hungrily.

Meher also responded to his kiss. They passionately kissed each other. Sehreyar's tongue roamed inside her mouth taking the sweet taste of her saliva. And Meher also kissed him back just the way a wife should kiss her husband.

After their passionate kiss, Sehreyar started opening the chain from Meher's feet.

" Ahh....." Meher winced in pain when Sehreyar's finger touched the bruised skin of her feet. Meher's eyes become watered because of pain.

Sehreyar said removing the chain gently," Shh.....Shhh.....love....It's over love. I will never chain you again."

" I know. You will never hurt me because you love me maddeningly," Meher said slightly smiling.

Sehreyar replied smiling back," I love you, my love. You have made me the happiest person in this world."

Meher took a deep breath hearing him and asked impatiently," Where is Mehrab? Is he fine? Did he cry too much for me?"

Sehreyar replied holding her delicate hands," Mehrab is fine. Yes, he missed his mamma. But, his Abbu took good care of him."

" Can I meet him? Don't keep me away from him anymore, please," Meher requested innocently.

Sehreyar scooped Meher in bridal style and said smiling," You will meet him. But, first, you have to take a shower and get ready. You can't meet him in this condition."

Meher just nodded her head in positive and held Sehreyar's neck gently to balance herself in his arms.

Sehreyar is now heading towards their bedroom when Meher asked caressing Sehreyar's cheeks," When are we returning India? I think we should return and inform our family members about ourselves."


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