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Mistress novel Chapter 5

Meher's p.o.v

Bhaiya asked me with a suspicious look," Meher, Are you really staying in Fuppo's (Aunt) house? I am feeling that you are hiding something from me."

I masked my unbearable expression forcing a smile and asked him," Why are you feeling like that?"

" I had insulted Fuppo and her husband so badly. Still, they are helping me in my case by giving money to the lawyer! This thing is really hard to believe," Bhaiya replied with a slightly suspicious tone.

I rested my one hand on his shoulder and said," They are helping us on my request. You know very well that Fuppo liked me very much."

He sighed and said," Yeah, I know that. They are really generous that even after my insult they are helping me in my case and bearing the expenses of Asif's treatment. Moreover, they are also bearing the expense of your studies."

Hearing him I just took a breath thinking about how I am handling everything. How can I tell my brother that I have become a whore of a wealthy man! How can I tell him that I am spreading my legs in front of a vulture every night! How can I tell him that I am handling everything by burying my self-respect and dignity.

Thinking all these some tears started forming in my eyes but I controlled them immediately to avoid Bhaiya's any kind of questions.

Then, Bhaiya told me holding my hands," Please, Meher, tell Fuppo that I am sorry for my behaviour. Tell her that I am ashamed of myself."

I hugged my brother and said patting his back," I will tell her, bhaiya. Don't worry."

I talked with him for sometime and assured him that very soon he will be freed from the jail. When I will just leave the jail, bhaiya holds my hands and said with a heavy voice," Meher, I am not a good person. I have committed many sins that's why Allah is punishing me."

I again hugged him and said," No, bhaiya. You are not a sinner. Just keep trust on Allah. He will help us."

He didn't say anything further and two policeman dragged him towards the cell.

After that, I left the police station giving hope to my brother that I will go any length to prove him innocent. I know that my brother can't be a murderer. He might be an arrogant and ruthless person but he can never kill someone.

My brother's arrogance always messed up everything. We used to have a good relation with my Fuppo until my father was alive. After his death, my brother Adeel became the CEO of our company. After becoming the CEO he became more arrogant and because of his arrogant behaviour, our other relatives became distant from us. One day my brother behaved very roughly with our Fuppo and she cut all her ties with us. That's why when I needed my relative's support nobody helped me.

Still, he is my brother. I love my brothers more than anything else in this world.

I am thinking all this and walking on the street without looking at the road. After walking for some time I called a taxi to return to my hell.

Sehreyar's p.o.v

I am in my office and doing some important work on my laptop. I am not understanding what's wrong with me that I am not being able to give my full concentration on my work.

My whole mind is occupied by Meher. Her innocent face is coming inside my head and bothering me too much. Why I can't get over of her. Every day I am having her still I am feeling that she is not with me. When I first read her profile I came to know that she is a talkative girl. But, with me, she doesn't talk that much.

" You have made her your mistress and expecting that she will talk to you normally! Are you nuts? Moreover, she is scared of you," My subconscious mocked me and I just sighed.

Suddenly, my subconscious said with excitement," Make her your wife. Give her the respect which she deserves. She will definitely......"

" Just stop. I can't marry her. I can't marry that fucker's sister," I yelled loudly when I heard a knock on the door.

I yelled in frustration," come in".

And after seeing the person in front of me my already ruined mood became completely sour. The person came forward and stood in front of my desk folding her arms having an irritated expression on her face.

I asked the person," Sajal, what are you doing here?"

" Instead of asking me questions, I should ask you questions," She replied sternly and sat in front of me.

Before I could say anything she asked me angrily," I have called you uncountable times. Why are you ignoring me? I have sent you numerous message and you didn't reply to any of my messages. Why are you avoiding me?"

" I am busy. I don't have any time for your rubbish talking! I replied fixing my gaze on my laptop screen.

She stood up from her seat and said yelling," Rubbish talking! Don't forget that I am your fiance. I have that much right to ask you why are you avoiding me!"

" I was never considerate to you," I said lowly but enough loud so that she can hear what I feel for her.

This time she came forward and hold my right hand tightly. I asked her angrily," What are you doing?"

" I don't care you are considerate to me or not. But, you have to marry me anyhow. Did you just forget your promise?" She asked me tapping her index finger on my ring finger where that trashy engagement ring is.

I jerked off her hand from my hand and said being irritated," I didn't forget anything. Listen, Sajal, I am too much busy right now. Can you just go from here? I will meet you later."

Saying that I again returned to my seat when she said softening her voice," Fine. I am going right now. But, always remember that today or tomorrow you have to marry me. So, don't ignore your future wife."

Hearing her I didn't say anything and tried to concentrate on my work.

She will just leave my office when she turned at me and asked," By the way, where are you living? Why aren't you returning to your house?"

This time I looked at her with a shocked expression. I asked her knitting my brows," What are you talking about?"

" You know very well that what I am talking about," She replied with a cold voice.

This time I couldn't control my anger and said angrily," Listen Sajal. You haven't become my wife yet. So, don't act like that. Wherever I am living it's none of your business."

Hearing me she just chuckled and said giving me a determined look," I will find out by myself where are you living. I am your future wife. I have that much right to know where my future husband is living."


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