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Moon Warriors novel Chapter 11

Walking out of the F.K. International Hotel, Emily's mind was in turmoil.

She didn't leave right away, but sat down by the fountain in front of the F.K. International Hotel.

She didn't know when Andrew left, and she searched the entire hotel without finding him. What was ridiculous was that she didn't have Andrew's phone number or all his contact information, so she had to wait in front of the hotel.

At this moment, she suddenly had a bad feeling that Andrew might have left her?

Or did something happen to Andrew?

He had just offended Jason and Cayden.

With this thought, she felt even more like she was on tenterhooks

"Are you waiting for me?" Suddenly, Andrew's voice came from behind.

"Andrew!" Emily suddenly raised her head and looked at Andrew who was walking towards her not far away.

She exclaimed with joy, "Is it really you, Andrew? Where have you been?"

She quickened her pace and rushed toward Andrew, placing her hands on his arm.

But soon, she felt she was a little out of her element.

Although she and Andrew were married, they had never done what a couple would do.

Although they grew up together, they never even fell in love. She didn't like Andrew very much at first, but she had to accept this fact because her dad forced her to.

It wasn't until they had their wedding that she slowly came to terms with the fact that she was married to Andrew.

In response to this move by Emily, Andrew was also amazed in his mind.

This was the first time since the marriage that Emily had taken the initiative to be intimate with him.

"Andrew, where did you just go? I can't even find you." Emily asked, with some irritation.

Andrew asked, "Are you concerned about me?"

As Andrew put her true thoughts into words, Emily's face instantly took on a blush, but she still said stubbornly, "No, how could I care about you."

"Haha, I just had a chat with my comrades."

"Oh!" Emily replied, then said, "Can you tell me where you're going before you go next time?"

"Okay, I got it," Andrew replied.

Emily said softly, "Come on, let's go home."

She would do this to Andrew just out of gratitude to him!


The news that D. K Group had become Ray's chosen business partner was already well known throughout K City, and many people even went directly to the Martin family to congratulate them. Therefore, it was difficult for Brian not to know about it.

Now, the entire Martin family was in a celebratory mood, waiting for Emily and Andrew to get home.

Being able to partner with Ray meant that the Martin family would soon rise to prominence.

"Emily, you're finally back, come on, go inside and have a rest." As soon as Brian saw Emily, he hurried up to greet her, and his attitude towards her made a 360 degree reversal.

"Emily is really a mascot for our family."

"Yes, yes, as I've said before, the more people in the family, the greater the power, and this power comes too fiercely."

"Emily has been a blessing to us."

Thus, Emily went from a jinx to a mascot recognized by the whole family.

Emily looked at her family, somewhat flattered. Five days ago, everyone was accusing her of being a jinx, and even forcing her to marry Ashley for the sake of the family business.


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