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Moon Warriors novel Chapter 19

Brian relaxed his deep frown knowing that this person was here for Andrew.

He didn’t think much about Andrew. It didn’t matter if this person was here or not, but it was best if he wasn’t.

He quickly nodded and said, “Yes, there’s someone called Andrew here. He’s my granddaughter’s husband.

Isaac sat down on a chair. He pulled out another and signaled the other man to sit down as well.

Everyone now looked at the middle-aged man. He was in an army uniform and he had an authoritative aura surrounding him. He definitely looked like a person of status and power.

Isaac pointed at the man beside him and introduced him, “This is my brother. He is the Deputy Commander of the Northwest region, one of the Three-star Generals.”

Everyone was exclaiming in awe. The Three-star General, the Deputy Commander of Northwest. This person was considered a very influential person in H Country. Everyone knew that the Turner family was a big-gun in K City because they had impressive people behind their back, but they didn’t know that the people behind their back can be so mighty. The person was the Three-star General of H Country.

Three-star Generals normally stayed in downtown, they barely would come over to a small area like K City.

Emily was standing on one side. She frowned as she looked at this man, she then looked at Isaac.

She couldn’t help but phoned Andrew, but Andrew’s phone was turned off.

What did he do?

Why was a general after him?

Northwest, could it be that Andrew did something wrong when he was in the army?

Emily had so many questions in her head!

Asher glanced at the crowd arrogantly. He then put on a straight face and said, “Andrew Stone. He joined the troop in the Northwest region 5 years ago and violated the regulations in the military. He then escaped when he was imprisoned. We are here today representing the Northwest region to bring Andrew Stone back to the headquarters for judgment.”

“If the Martin family hides him, you guys will be punished by law as well!”

Brian’s face turned green hearing the word “punished by law”.

A fugitive of the military. One could risk going to jail hiding someone like that.

Brian was a wise person, he knew what this meant.

Emily heard that and felt like firecrackers were going off in her head. She felt dizzy hearing the explosions.

Andrew violated the military regulations!

What could he have done?

What happened?

“Emily, what does this mean?” Rosa whispered to Emily nervously.

Emily recovered from her shock and shook her head as she said, “I, I don’t know. I didn’t know that he violated military regulations!”

“Look, the people from the military are here for him. This can’t be fake.”

“Where’s Andrew? Call him immediately and ask him to explain.”

Emily shook her head and said, “He turned off his phone!”

Unreachable phone, fugitive!

And coincidentally these people were here for him at this moment!

Was Andrew really a fugitive?

If not, why would he not be here on an important day like this?

Mario was delighted. He thought about how insufferably arrogant Andrew was for the last few days, and that he was about to get captured. He might be sentenced to death or get life imprisonment. The more he thought about it, the happier he felt.

Emily wouldn’t be able to compete with him once Andrew was gone.

“Brian, your answer?” grunted Asher annoyed.

Brian trembled and said with a sad face, “Mr. Turner, this has nothing to do with me. He is the grandson-in-law of Martin’s family, but we seriously have nothing to do with him.”

At times like this, it was important to state their relationship clear.

“Emily, where’s Andrew? Where is he?” asked Brian as he looked at Emily.

Asher and Isaac looked at Emily at the same time. Emily’s heart was beating fast, she couldn’t say anything.

But she couldn’t believe that Andrew was a fugitive.


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