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Moon Warriors novel Chapter 25

"Kneel?" Mark was stunned for a moment.

Zack slapped Mark on the head and bellowed, "Kneel! I ask you to kneel down."

Mark didn't dare to say anything and just kneeled in front of Emily.

He pleaded, "I'm sorry, I have done it wrong. I misjudged the person.”

Andrew took the hand of the Emily who was in shock and said to Zack, "Let's go, Mr. Austin."

Emily didn't actually want anyone to kneel. She was angry just now, but not that much to let someone kneel.

Besides, how come Andrew asked him to kneel and he just did it?

Was she that important to the Fraser family?

Strictly speaking, it should be them who begged to the Fraser family to sign the contract. How could it be all reversed?

Emily couldn't figure it out, and she stopped thinking about it.

As Zack left, he whispered to Mark, "Don't ever think of getting up until they tell you to do so! Otherwise, you and I will both die."

Mark gave a crying expression. This time he was really snookered.

When they came to the lobby, the hospitality that was given by Zack to Emily and Andrew was very nice that he even served them with tea and water.

Evelyn watched everything all this while. She cautiously looked at these two people who rode an e-bike and she was shocked since then.

But everything had happened, so she had to face it. She came to Zack and asked, "Are you Mr. Austin?"

"Yes, I guess you are Miss Porter, right?" Zack asked.

The way when she talked to Zack was completely different from the way she treated Emily earlier.

"Yes, Mr. Austin, nice to meet you." She hurriedly extended her hand to shake Zack’s hand.

Zack introduced, "Oh, let me introduce to you, this is Miss Clark, SOUTHWESTERN’s business partner."

Evelyn extended her hand to shake Emily's hand, but Andrew said coldly, "All right, Mr. Austin, you can bring the contract for us and let’s sign it."

"Yes, yes, yes!" Zack answered politely and went upstairs.

At this moment, Emily was completely stunned.

How could Andrew handle things so calmly? And that attitude was totally like a boss.

After Evelyn saw Zack leaving, she stood in front of Emily with an embarrassing look and said, "I'm sorry, Miss Clark, I didn't mean it just now. How could I have known that Miss Clark you kept a low profile? If I had known, I would not have..."

"Emily, after we go home, what should we eat?" Andrew's question interrupted Evelyn.

Emily looked at Andrew with some consternation. She was still thinking about the matter that Mark knelt down to her.

Looking at Emily who was very confused, Andrew laughed, "After we has signed the contract, shouldn't we have a celebration?"

"Yes, then what do you want to eat?" Emily asked in a stunned voice.

"As long as you make it, I'm okay with it." Both of them chatted intimately, completely ignored Evelyn who wanted to speak several times.

After a while, Zack came down with the contract. Evelyn had not had the chance to utter a word.

Zack walked until in front of Emily and said to Emily, "Miss Clark, please take a look at the contents of the contract. If there is anything that you aren’t satisfied with, we will change it now."

This contract should reasonably be stipulated on the side of SOUTHWESTERN, and Emily had no right to change it.

But Zack's words made Emily flattered.

She looked at the contract. It was all advantageous to Emily. It could be said that this contract was completely customized for Emily!

Andrew whispered in her ear, "Take a look and see what needs to be changed, Mr. Austin will change it for us now."

"No…nothing!" Emily put down the contract and stammered, "Jus...just..."


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