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Moon Warriors novel Chapter 4

The room turned quiet after he said that.

They looked at each other and didn’t know what position he was talking about.

In the end, everyone looked at Jason. He was a soldier, he should know what position that was.

“Haha!” Cayden couldn’t help but chuckle.

He laughed heartily, “What are you saying? That sounds like something from a game, so hilarious.”

“Mr. Cook, isn’t he a funny guy?” said Cayden as he looked at Jason.

Jason shrugged and said, “Well, there’s all kind of people in the world. I was in the army for 5 years and I never heard of the Seven Leagues. I don’t even know that there’s a position for it. Andrew, let me tell you, there’s only the Commander and the Deputy Commander for the 5 regions in H Country.”

Jason lectured Andrew on the regions and positions.

“I bet you’re just a mere soldier! Don’t try to fool us,” said Jason sarcastically.

Andrew explained calmly even when everyone was suspicious of him, “It only means that you aren’t in a high enough level to know about it.”

“Haha! So you’re saying that you’re the Commander of a mysterious region in H Country?”

Everyone laughed their hearts out after hearing what Jason said. This Andrew guy was such a joker.

Emily’s face was beet red and she wanted to hide in a hole.

Andrew was too much of a liar. First, he said that he knew Ray Fraser, and now he said he was part of a mysterious troop of the H Country. She pinched Andrew’s thigh harshly and rolled her eyes at him, “Andrew, stop talking. I told you not to bluff anymore!”

Andrew pursed his lips. He wanted to say that he wasn’t bluffing.

But Emily continued saying, “I know that you wanted to help me, but your lies were too obvious. We’ll have to leave if you keep saying stuff like this.”

Andrew felt wronged, he shrugged and stopped talking.

At this moment, the T.Y. International Hotel’s owner, Nell Lane, walked past the room. He saw a familiar face.

It was him, it was that person.

Nell came back from the River Capital today. He saw how the Stone family treated that person in the airport today, they were so respectful. That person had to be someone powerful to make people in the Stone family lowered their head to him like that.

“Cooper, come here. Take a bottle out of that box, quick. Take one, no, two and bring it to room 888.”

“Dad, are you talking about the Kweichow Moutai that grandpa left you?”

“Yes, hurry. Oh, actually bring it to me, I’ll bring it over.”

“But dad, that’s our family treasure. It’s not only expensive, but it’s also priceless. You only ever sniff it during the holidays and never have the heart to drink it. Isn’t it a bit wasteful, giving out 2 bottles at once right now?”

“Just go get it. It will be more useful to give it to that person than keeping it.”

Not long after, Nell was holding 2 bottles of Kweichow Moutai as he walked to the room Andrew was in.

The moment he saw Andrew, his legs were trembling. This was the power of a man that controlled the whole army.

Although he was excited and wanted to talk to Andrew, Andrew glanced at him briefly. Nell was a smart person, he quickly understood what Andrew meant and acted accordingly.

“My dear guest, this is on the house, please accept it.”


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